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Why not use terraform to manage the cloud infrastructure? #85

Open adrian-gierakowski opened 5 years ago

adrian-gierakowski commented 5 years ago

Firstly, thank you for sharing this and allowing others to recreate your amazing throughput test results.

Going back to https://www.terraform.io/, do you have any particular reasons not to use it? It takes care of bunch of things which in your python scripts need to be implemented "by hand" (like indempotency and resource creation order). It also automatically parallelises operations which can be executed in parallel.


x-wf commented 5 years ago

Hey Adrian - thank you for your feedback. We intend to reduce the dependencies as much as possible - this includes the tools we use.

We created python scripts as python is available on most unix systems, and we also added libcloud as the abstraction layer between python and cloud services.

Ideally this gives us simplicity to manage cloud resources easily across OS's, without any tool dependencies (e.g. terraform, ansible, etc).