radkesvat / WaterWall

WaterWall is an unidentifiable mechanism for bypassing GFW. This includes the new trojan protocol, explains its underlying ideas, and provides a guide to it.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
187 stars 28 forks source link

core dump #48

Closed Ferixy closed 1 week ago

Ferixy commented 1 week ago

salam khaste nabashid vaghan. core samt kharej va samt iran dump mishe...

### log iran:

2024-06-17 13:41:45.000 INFO Starting Waterwall version 1.06 2024-06-17 13:41:45.002 INFO Parsing core file complete 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Core: File limit 1000000 -> 1000000 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libTcpListener hash:a655fcaee7c7288a 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libUdpListener hash:6ccedd4bb74c70cc 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libListener hash:aeddbd2f0dbd04ff 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libOpenSSLServer hash:5ee57d1e0f41090 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libOpenSSLClient hash:79f0bf5560db1fc9 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libLoggerTunnel hash:fad1dfce1addebcd 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libTrojanAuthServer hash:94abc2a793961cf7 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libTrojanSocksServer hash:1f0c3819c6575289 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libConnector hash:70b1120242133ce4 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libTcpConnector hash:da98fa0306800cbf 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libUdpConnector hash:10133fc92f3b63f1 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libBridge hash:e342140423f7cd73 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libWolfSSLServer hash:956a860522bd9e60 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libWolfSSLClient hash:7f01958af33ce341 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHttp2Server hash:b3e84871ae748f2 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHttp2Client hash:a4ec89b6c2d61109 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libProtoBufServer hash:d2f1d11dd3211152 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libProtoBufClient hash:4b55c895a688c8a5 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libReverseServer hash:8967c642ef83a8cf 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libReverseClient hash:8c006ea0e51468a3 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHeaderServer hash:7bc25c28e24adac8 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHeaderClient hash:30f1a0ab94b4fb8f 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libPreConnectServer hash:cfd31953e09e8715 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libPreConnectClient hash:336d1cc5ac5c074d 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libSocks5Server hash:8fed4302ceb2e1e8 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libRealityServer hash:16aceb76723dc9d0 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libRealityClient hash:49b993a689db5667 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHalfDuplexClient hash:c066905d07784f85 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHalfDuplexServer hash:7c264b0257ef7c9e 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG Core: begin parsing config file "config.json" 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 INFO Core: parsing config file "config.json" complete 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG users_inbound : library "TcpListener" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG header : library "HeaderClient" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG bridge2 : library "Bridge" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG bridge1 : library "Bridge" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG reverse_server : library "ReverseServer" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG pbserver : library "ProtoBufServer" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG h2server : library "Http2Server" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG halfs : library "HalfDuplexServer" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG reality_server : library "RealityServer" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG kharej_inbound : library "TcpListener" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG reality_dest : library "TcpConnector" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "bridge1" 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "reverse_server" 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "pbserver" 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "h2server" 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "halfs" 2024-06-17 13:41:45.004 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "reality_server" Segmentation fault (core dumped)

### log kharej:

2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 INFO Starting Waterwall version 1.06 2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 INFO Parsing core file complete 2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 DEBUG Core: File limit 1000000 -> 1000000 2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libTcpListener hash:a655fcaee7c7288a 2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libUdpListener hash:6ccedd4bb74c70cc 2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libListener hash:aeddbd2f0dbd04ff 2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libOpenSSLServer hash:5ee57d1e0f41090 2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libOpenSSLClient hash:79f0bf5560db1fc9 2024-06-17 13:41:36.091 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libLoggerTunnel hash:fad1dfce1addebcd 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libTrojanAuthServer hash:94abc2a793961cf7 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libTrojanSocksServer hash:1f0c3819c6575289 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libConnector hash:70b1120242133ce4 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libTcpConnector hash:da98fa0306800cbf 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libUdpConnector hash:10133fc92f3b63f1 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libBridge hash:e342140423f7cd73 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libWolfSSLServer hash:956a860522bd9e60 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libWolfSSLClient hash:7f01958af33ce341 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHttp2Server hash:b3e84871ae748f2 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHttp2Client hash:a4ec89b6c2d61109 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libProtoBufServer hash:d2f1d11dd3211152 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libProtoBufClient hash:4b55c895a688c8a5 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libReverseServer hash:8967c642ef83a8cf 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libReverseClient hash:8c006ea0e51468a3 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHeaderServer hash:7bc25c28e24adac8 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHeaderClient hash:30f1a0ab94b4fb8f 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libPreConnectServer hash:cfd31953e09e8715 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libPreConnectClient hash:336d1cc5ac5c074d 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libSocks5Server hash:8fed4302ceb2e1e8 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libRealityServer hash:16aceb76723dc9d0 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libRealityClient hash:49b993a689db5667 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHalfDuplexClient hash:c066905d07784f85 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Imported static tunnel libHalfDuplexServer hash:7c264b0257ef7c9e 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG Core: begin parsing config file "config.json" 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 INFO Core: parsing config file "config.json" complete 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG outbound_to_core : library "TcpConnector" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG header : library "HeaderServer" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG bridge1 : library "Bridge" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG bridge2 : library "Bridge" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG reverse_client : library "ReverseClient" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG pbclient : library "ProtoBufClient" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG h2client : library "Http2Client" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG halfc : library "HalfDuplexClient" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG reality_client : library "RealityClient" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG outbound_to_iran : library "TcpConnector" loaded successfully 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "outbound_to_core" 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "header" 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "bridge1" 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "outbound_to_iran" 2024-06-17 13:41:36.092 DEBUG NodeManager: starting node "reality_client" Segmentation fault (core dumped)

### config iran:

{ "name": "iran", "nodes": [ { "name": "users_inbound", "type": "TcpListener", "settings": { "address": "", "port": [443,2099], "nodelay": true }, "next": "header" }, { "name": "header", "type": "HeaderClient", "settings": { "data": "src_context->port" }, "next": "bridge2" }, { "name": "bridge2", "type": "Bridge", "settings": { "pair": "bridge1" } }, { "name": "bridge1", "type": "Bridge", "settings": { "pair": "bridge2" } }, { "name": "reverse_server", "type": "ReverseServer", "settings": {}, "next": "bridge1" }, { "name": "pbserver", "type": "ProtoBufServer", "settings": {}, "next": "reverse_server" }, { "name": "h2server", "type": "Http2Server", "settings": {}, "next": "pbserver" }, { "name": "halfs", "type": "HalfDuplexServer", "settings": {}, "next": "h2server" }, { "name": "reality_server", "type": "RealityServer", "settings": { "destination": "reality_dest", "password": "x" }, "next": "halfs" }, { "name": "kharej_inbound", "type": "TcpListener", "settings": { "address": "", "port": 443, "nodelay": true, "whitelist": [ "ip/32" ] }, "next": "reality_server" }, { "name": "reality_dest", "type": "TcpConnector", "settings": { "nodelay": true, "address": "sni.ir", "port": 443 } } ] }

### config kharej:

{ "name": "reverse_reality_grpc_client_hd_multiport_client", "nodes": [ { "name": "outbound_to_core", "type": "TcpConnector", "settings": { "nodelay": true, "address": "", "port": "dest_context->port" } }, { "name": "header", "type": "HeaderServer", "settings": { "override": "dest_context->port" }, "next": "outbound_to_core" }, { "name": "bridge1", "type": "Bridge", "settings": { "pair": "bridge2" }, "next": "header" }, { "name": "bridge2", "type": "Bridge", "settings": { "pair": "bridge1" }, "next": "reverse_client" }, { "name": "reverse_client", "type": "ReverseClient", "settings": { "minimum-unused": 16 }, "next": "pbclient" }, { "name": "pbclient", "type": "ProtoBufClient", "settings": {}, "next": "h2client" }, { "name": "h2client", "type": "Http2Client", "settings": { "host": "sni.ir", "port": 443, "path": "/", "contenttype": "application/grpc", "concurrency": 64 }, "next": "halfc" }, { "name": "halfc", "type": "HalfDuplexClient", "next": "reality_client" },

        "name": "reality_client",
        "type": "RealityClient",
        "settings": {
            "sni": "sni.ir",
            "password": "x"
        "next": "outbound_to_iran"
        "name": "outbound_to_iran",
        "type": "TcpConnector",
        "settings": {
            "nodelay": true,
            "address": "ip",
            "port": 443


worker iran ham 1 set kardam vali bazam taghiri nakard

Ferixy commented 1 week ago

moskel da estefade az password haye toolani hast. mesal: GLNSzh5oehoenkY7Fvh6

Ferixy commented 1 week ago

paswword ro kootah kardam. tunnel connect mishe ama etesal user na...