radovicmiloskg / TMRMR

Minimum redundancy maximum relevance feature selection approach for temporal gene expression data.
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Code Sequence #2

Open durgeshnandini opened 6 years ago

durgeshnandini commented 6 years ago

What should be the sequence of the code ?

radovicmiloskg commented 6 years ago

To reproduce results from the paper please run:


To perform TMRMR-C and TMRMR-M feature selection for 'H3N2', 'Rhino' or 'RSV' datasets please run:


To perform feature selection by mRMR, F-statistic, RELIEFF, MT-LASSO, TMRMR-C and TMRMR-M algorithms for 'H3N2', 'Rhino' or 'RSV' datasets please run:


To perform feature selection by mRMR, F-statistic, RELIEFF, MT-LASSO, TMRMR-C and TMRMR-M algorithms for datasets other than ones used in the paper please run:


Note: in order to run GeneSelectionNewData please create Dataset.mat file containing the following variables: 1) DATA - GxTxN matrix 2) LABELS - Nx1 vector where N is the number of subjects, G is the number of genes and T is the number of time steps.