raduprv / Eternal-Lands

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Major: Rooms vanish in specific indoor c2 maps #200

Open NetSysFire opened 1 year ago

NetSysFire commented 1 year ago

potentially zcull

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enter e.g Palon Vertas magic school.
  2. Move your camera around.
  3. Everything minus the player vanishes.

I also managed to reproduce this in some of the zirakgunda indoor maps.

This makes it nigh impossible to explore or even normally traverse the affected rooms, potentially trapping you. In my case I went there for the quest to obtain the healing mixture from a vial, and was almost unable to get back out since the only non-broken camera angle was looking straight at the wall, with the door not in sight. Luckily though with some zoom hacks I could reach the door. Relogging did not help. There are no errors in the log, I merely scrolled up to hide GMs and stuff.

When everything vanishes like this, the client treats it like nothing exists, so there is no e.g door to click at. Other indoor maps work just fine. Most of c2 works, I have not seen anything like that on c1.


feeltheburn commented 1 year ago

Confirm that cont2map5_inmsch.elm.gz and cont2map6_insides.elm.gz exist in the /maps/ folder where your EL program is installed. (If not, reinstall EL.)

Maybe trying a reinstall regardless might be a good idea. Even if they exist, they may have somehow gotten corrupted?

Nobody else has had this issue and the client's been out for quite a while. That looks like what happens when the .elm file is missing.

NetSysFire commented 1 year ago

Both exist and the peculiar issue is that they display correctly, but only from one specific camera angle. sha256sums (though I highly doubt they are corrupted):

16598e6a5d8887aed71b4f2bfedf826b8cb1d142361067e72772f4b3e1afaedb  cont2map6_insides.elm.gz
6fa19333bf1475e57084d15f865bf487a7479757a2435c367382834acaffd0d5  cont2map5_inmsch.elm.gz
NetSysFire commented 1 year ago

Since this is a pretty obscure issue, I recorded a video in PV magic school. Because the video file is bigger than 10 MB I had to upload it somewhere else and it will eventually expire.

feeltheburn commented 1 year ago

Not a missing map issue then so nothing I know anything about.

@pjbroad This may be more in your realm?