raeedcho / temper

a wireless-only split keyboard based on the chocofi
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Permissive
240 stars 12 forks source link

Reset switches hard to source #19

Open ThomasAlban opened 1 month ago

ThomasAlban commented 1 month ago

Hi, It’s practically impossible for me (uk) to source the reset button which is used on this keyboard without paying extortionate shipping. The one on the original chocofi (pts636) is much more easily available. Is there any chance of a version of this keyboard being made that supports that type of reset switch? Thanks

raeedcho commented 1 month ago

Ah, that is frustrating--I didn't realize that when designing the board. Unfortunately, I don't currently have plans to make a second version of the temper, but I wouldn't rule it out, if there are enough desired changes to make it worthwhile. Sorry! I'll leave this issue open for now as a feature request and let others comment.

ThomasAlban commented 4 weeks ago

Yeah that would be great. I'm really keen to build the temper as it seems like pretty much my ideal keyboard (I currently use a corne but I don't need the outer row of keys and I find the little finger stagger not low enough) When I build it I'd like to add 1000mah batteries below the keyboard, so if I solder the battery connectors to the pads on the bottom of the pcb would it still work? (So I don't have to have wires protruding out of the keyboard) If not, perhaps another modification could be a little indent above the battery pads so the wires can wrap around without protruding.

raeedcho commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, you should be able to just solder the batteries onto the backside of the board. I would double check with a multimeter to make sure, but the PCB is designed so that the pads on front and back are directly connected.