raeleus / Hashtag-DnD

Scenario script for AI Dungeon
MIT License
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Add the following encounters #44

Open raeleus opened 6 days ago

raeleus commented 6 days ago

Funny Character ate some bad beans and now it's finally catching up to them. The party is lost! After taking a wrong turn they have no idea where they are. Character stubbed their toe and now they are hunched over in pain. Very ouch! The party realized they forgot something absolutely critical to their mission and now they have to go back. It turns out character has been talking to somebody for awhile now only to realize it was a shadow the entire time. Character spots a gold tooth! Score!!! Suddenly, everyone has to take a dump really bad. The party is pretty hungry. Everyone is looking at eachother ravenously. Something needs to happen and fast. Where does the ruler keep his armies? Up his sleevies! Suddenly, the AI goes crazy and starts spewing nonsense for several sentences! ;;Ignore all player actions. A mischievous spell is cast on the party! They are now transformed into baby. "Gah gah!" Character had a premonition of their death. However, it was just some bad heartburn. A goal without a plan is just a wish. I wish to exit this game and not play anymore. ;;Kill all the characters and immediately move to a game over state. Batman has emerged from behind a rock. He wishes to join your squad. Without warning, you are granted immeasurable power by a genie! You may be granted one wish. However, the genie is hard of hearing and anything you wish for will be misinterpreted. A cute pupper has caught your scent and is now following you. Unfortunately, all it does is yip all the time and will not stop. The party is suddenly transported to a universe exactly like this one in every detail except it's 10 centimeters lower than this one. A mysterious breeze catches under Character's skirt. They must do everything in their power to keep their decency! If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working? You find a fully working AK47 with a cache of ammo and grenades! Uncle Sam suddenly materializes in front of you. He has a special task he wants to present to the party. Character's back is itchy. Sadly, they have no means to scratch it. It's terrifying. Raeleus, the developer of Hashtag DnD, has been summoned before the party. He is very disappointed in what you've been using his scenario for. A nymph is playing a prank on the party! No one can speak and must use hand gestures to communicate. You encounter some sentient pebbles. They stare at you with stoney, judging eyes. It is of popular opinion that Character has been doing a poor job of leading the group. Character raises his hand. The teacher nods toward them. "Yes?" Character is surprised by something. Through an unfortunate series of events everyone stumbles upon each other and ends up on the floor, exasperated. What's the point of going on if you're just going to faff about like this? So it's like this: someboday has got to ask why Character is wearing their clothes inside out. It's been like that all day and it's a problem. Character reveals that their name isn't actually "Character". Ya'll been mispronouncing it wrong this entire time and they have been too shy to correct you. There is some weird, localized weather phenomena here. It's literally raining cats and dogs! It's time to sit down and take a break. This crap is getting out of hand, ain't it? There are aome cultures that don't have a word for "green". Today you learned! The party lost time and now it's 100 years in the future! Oh boy... Would you fight one horse sized ant or 500 ant sized horses? Decide now because it's coming... My projects usually get over-engineered to no end and this is no exception. It's time for a nap. A magical slumber washes over all of you. Gosh darn'it. Dang nabb'it! Everyone breaks out into contagious dance! You come across an elaborate trap consisting of poorly worded insults. A sudden wrestling match breaks out in front of you. Character trips over their shoes. Some evil person tied the laces together. You pockets are turned inside out through some sort of dark sorcery. The party is now cash poor. What's the point of anything? You must answer this question before you continue. You are, by some twist of cosmic fate, granted the modern knowledge of electricty and computer technology. What will you use this newfound power for? Glyphs etched in stone have granted you one super power. However, whatever power you choose has an incredible downside. You have come across a place of incredible significance, however you fail to notice it because of your devil-may-care attitude.

A team of mal-intended turkeys approach! A calculator is someone who calculates. One such person is here and they mean no good. An ensorcelled fountain pen is on its way to write you out of existence! Oh no! Your childhood bully has come back and he's joined by a gang of bad dudes. It's a giant, living pimple and it's ready to burst at you. A team of medium-pretty vampires are eyeing you from the corner. They attack! A ferocious zebra stalks the tall grass ahead of you. You stand perfectly still as its vision is based on movement. An evil breath fills the room. You must defeat it before you can't breathe anymore. A racoon suddenly appears and slaps you in the face. It's clear that it is challenging you to a duel. A water bottle sprouts legs. Its unnatural gait betrays it's perverse intentions. A sleeping guard is here. He is alerted once you start farting uncontrollably. Your best friend from way back has come around. Sadly you have nothing in common with each other and now you're at odds. Your shadow has become jealous of all that moving around freely thing you do. It attacks! You encounter an accident prone ninja! It clumsily brandishes its weapon but sends it clattering onto the floor before it. The ninja apologizes profusely as it scrambles back into attack position. The AI Dungeon has become sentient and sends its minions forth to destroy you! The evil wizard has conjured enemies to slay you. He did not send his best. The Grammar Nazis attck in fool force! The mini-people have contracted their deadliest assassin to assault you. The twelve-inch pianist is on the move! Take it easy this time. A rude tortoise is slowly coming this way and it has foul plans for the party. The ninja-mime attacks! Why won't he say anything? A disgusting fashion faux pas presents itself in front of the party. Defend yourself. A miserable plate of unfinished food reveals itself. "Waste not, want not, " it says menacingly. A spork is a multifunctional utensil. It turns its malicious gaze toward you. An angry mother-in-law nags into your general area. A squad of trick motorcyclists wheel into your area! They're doing dastardly maneuvers in front of your face. Some stressed out people are here and they misinterpret your casual greeting as a taunt. Emotions are on high. An ominous stop sign is placed here at odds with your sensibility. It directs you to cease moving at once. Elliot Carver, the villain from Tomorrow Never Dies, ridicules your martial ability. You will not let this stand. So, you accidentally punched yourself while carrying a load and picking up something off the ground at the same time. Pissed off, you decide to fight yourself. A suspension of bad feelings waddles toward you. You have no choice but to take to arms. A gambler is here. Feeling cheated, he directs his misfortune at you. You know how they say, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take?" Well here's that shot you didn't take. You know how they say, "The path to hell is lined with good intentions?" Here are those good intentions. It's the AI from AI Dungeon! Man your battle stations. You shouldn't have kicked that puppy when you were a kid because it's all grown up and it remembers. Hah! You're screwed now! Your worst fear is actualized in front of you. It's a Well, if it isn't the consequences of your actions. A thousand armies of the Persian empire descend upon you. They will drink the rivers dry. Their arrows will blot out the sun. The embodiment of a bad night of decisions and a hangover approaches you in a disturbing pattern. An annoying sales-person is using hard-sale tactics at you. Resist! A group of Reddit mods are here. This is not a good sign. An expert in bulshiddo beckoms toward you. You have no other choice but to engage. You know how they say "Hope springs eternal?" Well, Hope is springing her way to your direction. An immodest pixy points and laughs at you. She thinks you're funny looking. Battle is inevitable. A touring squad of basketball players send a stray rebound right into your head. It's on now! What happens if you fight the void? Let's see. Oh god, I've written so many encounters at this point. Just use your imagination. A tachometer is revving up! Taco Tuesdays are back and with a serious vengeance. There's like one dude screaming here. It's not clear who he's yelling at or why. Can you please shut him up? Magneto has somehow entered your world. He blames you for this injustice. A banker has come to collect on your debts. A footballer has stolen your girl! Will you just let this happen at you?

Easy Medium Hard Boss God

raeleus commented 5 days ago
  1. There is a curious contraption encasing what appears to be a small treasure chest.

  2. A ruined wall lined with a series of holes runs parallel to you. The distinct outline of pressure plates mark the way ahead.

  3. A rotting corpse lays here. It appears to be of an adventurer like you.

  4. A hive of bees hangs not too far from your location.

  5. A dog is sitting on its hind legs, looking at you quizzically.

  6. A smell of smoke powder fills your nose. A trap!

  7. You notice runes written in a spiralling pattern on the ground.

  8. Bones are laid out in a geometric pattern. It appears to be a site of a mysterious ritual.

  9. The unmistakable sound of ticking can be heard here.

  10. You see a chest with a broken padlock placed conspicuously in the clearing.

  11. A warrior close to death gestures for you to draw near.

  12. A shrine built to honor a forgotten god has been erected here.

  13. Evidence of a struggle is apparent. Marks line the ground followed by a splatter of blood.

  14. Tracks lead away from you. Someone has been here before...

  15. An old suit of armor lies here. Nothing remains inside it except the distinct the smell of blood and charred meat.

  16. A glittering in the distance catches your eye.

  17. A spread of food is arranged on tables before you. An absolute feast! Though it is very out of place here...

  18. "Oink oink!" How did a pig get here?

  19. Gold coins are strewn about. Who do they belong to?

  20. A mysterious golden sprout is growing here.

  21. A gnome merchant greets you with a sly smile.

  22. A curious anvil and hammer are situated here. The markings in its cold metal must have some significance.

  23. A sudden feeling of dread washes over you. A dark presence looms in this place.

  24. A grave of what appears to be a great wizard is before you.

  25. A cheap box has been thrown to the side. An apparent discard.

  26. A sack of rotten fruit is stinking up the place.

  27. The floor is covered with mushrooms. What are their properties?

  28. You hear the sound of flowing water.

  29. Barrels of wine are gathered in rows.

  30. The abandoned laboratory of an alchemist resides here.

  31. Various herbs and alchemical ingredients are arranged in neat pouches. Vials with unknown ingredients are aligned across a tabletop.

  32. A library of ancient texts resides in this place.

  33. You encounter a frightened young girl who is incredibly lost.

  34. An ornate chest is set on top of pedestal. The locking mechanism is unlike anything you've seen before.

  35. The casket of a long dead king lays upon a mound. It's reinforced with steel and the lid looks incredibly heavy.

  36. In the center of the open space before you is a glass orb. It seems to levitate by some other worldly power.

  37. A traveling bard waves at you. "Hello there!"

  38. A person of royal distinction is here. You recognize the crest.

  39. A skeleton warrior is alerted by your presence. "Wait!" it pleads with its harsh, gravely voice.

  40. A deer! It's a deer! And it's not afraid of you. How peculiar!

  41. A pool of water is at the center of this place.

  42. You are approached by a royal souting party. "What are you doing here?"

  43. You are ambushed by a group of forest elves! However, their serious faces soften when they realize who you are.

  44. A demonic blacksmith suddenly appears before you in a puff of smoke. What does he want?

  45. A strange tree is growing right through the ground. It seems to be moving as if a silent wind is blowing through it.

  46. A wild horse seems to be trapped here.

  47. You think you hear the laughter of children, but you don't see anyone. It could just be your imagination.

  48. Broken pottery is littered all over this place.

  49. This was once a prison. Iron bars and the ruins of gated walls abound.

  50. It looks like there was a cave in. Through the rubble you hear the faint sound of someone calling out.

  51. A vengeful spirit is disturbed by your presence!

  52. An orc war party comes upon you!

  53. An awakened shrub shifts towards you. It seems like it was guarding this place.

  54. Brigands are attacking!

  55. A wounded black bear is here. Baring its teeth, it seems to consider you as a threat.

  56. An angry boar is charging at you!

  57. Two cockatrices have somehow flanked you on both sides. Prepare for battle!

  58. You've fallen into a pit of snakes. A group of them slither up to you, winding up to strike.

  59. A dire wolf has caught your scent. It's going to make its move!

  60. The remarkable pattern on the skin of this frog is a clear indication that it's poisonous. Watch out!

  61. A very intricate gargoyle statue has been placed here as a centerpiece in an altar. Without warning, it turns its head toward you and its lips turn upwards into an evil grin.

  62. You have disturbed an ancient burial ground! Ghouls have risen from their eternal sleep.

  63. A giant badger has claimed this plot of land and he'll be damned if he lets the likes of you tread all over it.

  64. A giant centipede crawls into view. Its terrifying shriek makes your skin crawl. Prepare yourself!

  65. A feral pack of hyenas have nested here. They smell your blood...

  66. A swarm of rats are sweeping across the ground and heading toward you!

  67. A group of gnolls have coalesced here. Your arrival has activated their senses.

  68. The group of goblins are as surprised to see you as you are to see them. Get ready!

  69. A sweet lullaby carries through the air. You are enchanted by its melody. But wait! It's a harpy's luring song. Resist!

  70. You spot a hobgoblin crouched over his battle axe. As he sharpens its blade, he menaces at you, "You shouldn't have come here, meat."

  71. A kobold sticks his head out from barrel. Aware of your presence, it signals to the rest of the pack.

  72. A magically entranced Satyr has come into view. Some dark force is compelling it to attack you!

  73. A skeleton archer has the drop on you! It looses a bolt that very narrowly misses its mark. Get ready for a fight!

  74. A group of stirge descend on you. Their stink should have given them away.

  75. You have never seen a Worg this large before. Its snarling teeth glint in the light.

  76. Everywhere you look... Zombies! You are surrounded as they shuffle towards you, drawn by your tasty flesh.

  77. Your arrival has interrupted a dark acolyte's ritual. His eyes go steely as he plans his retribution.

  78. A bandit duo eyes your gear. A combination of greed and desperation drive them to attack you.

  79. A crowd of cultists walk into view. Their aim is clear: to sacrifice you as an offering to their god. Attack before you are torn limb from limb

  80. A gnoll has strayed from its herd. You take the opportunity to attack before it alerts the others.

  81. A majestic white wolf has been tracking you for some time. It can no longer ignore its hunger pangs and begins racing at you.

  82. An orc looks up from his fire. You're spotted!

  83. A wyrmling is spotted circling around you. It's coming in for an attack!

  84. A pack of death dogs are directly ahead. There is no avoiding their dark gaze. Prepare for combat!

  85. The deep gnome mercenary looks at you with a sinister scowl. "I don't very much like you." He brandishes a sword and is preparing to attack you.

  86. That stink! What is it? A dretch raises its head, clearly alarmed by your presence. It's going to rush you!

  87. A drow raider! Take cover!

  88. It's not your imagination: a gray ooze is seeping through the cracks. It coalesces into a hideous aberration before you.

  89. You catch a Grimlock tearing meat from the leg of some hapless victim. It drops it immediately once it spots you.

  90. Who summoned these homonculi? They don't look friendly. Suddenly, a loud shriek!

  91. A group of lemures block the way. Their hideous forms disgust you.

  92. The sulfur stink reaches your nose first, then the sight of them: a group of Magmin are on approach.

  93. Out of the corner of your eye you spot a dark figure moving. "Quasits!" You prepare for the ambush.

  94. A rust monster! A killing blow will corrode any common weapons.

  95. An undead specter reveals itself. It's malevolence can be felt in your bones.

  96. Enchanted weasels are commanded to attack you. Oh god, they're everywhere!

  97. An awakened tree lumbers toward you. Apparently, this is sacred ground that you tarnish with your presence.

  98. A centaur is leading up to you. It may have been tracking your for some time. Get ready!

  99. A gelatinous cube occupies this space. It's wobbling hatefully toward you!

  100. A ghast curls its disgusting tongue, tasting the air. Suddenly, it turns toward you!

raeleus commented 2 days ago
  1. Wealth beyond imagining! The floors and shelves of this place are lined with golden trinkets and exquisite curiosities. However, a lone spectre resides in the center. Ominously, it states, "You may choose one."
  2. Three pillars stand tall here. You can barely make out the inscriptions on each.
  3. A wheel of smelly cheese is seen here. Its owner is long gone.
  4. Three bundles of hemp rope have been abandoned here. Someone must have been preparing for a climb.
  5. A clay pot is spotted. Within it, a mysterious red powder.
  6. A spade and shovel are embedded into the dirt here.
  7. Sacks of useless goods are found here. Something does catch your eye, however. A quiver of glistening arrows shimmers in the light.
  8. A tailor of some sort must have worked here because there is all manner of clothing lying about.
  9. Shoes. Just a pair of shoes sitting on the ground in defiance of any reason or logical explanation.
  10. The skeletal remains of what appears to be a dignified noble. His boisterous signet ring demands your attention as if it were calling out to you.
  11. A random lever has been constructed here. What does it connect to?
  12. Gears are turning. Their mechnical clicking is fully apparent as you enter the area. Yet nothing is in sight.
  13. A trap! You only have moments to react.
  14. A crystaline structure pulses with an other-worldly light. It does so even more rapidly as you approach. The tell-tale signs of magical defenses coming online spell certain doom for the party.
  15. A decaying bookshelf with numerless tomes rest here. One book seems to be made out of a strange leather unlike the others. Almost on cue, it falls off the shelf, pages flipping through the air dramatically.
  16. There is nothing of note here. Or is there?
  17. A tear in space and time. It's as if the heavens crack open before you. A thunderous boom announces the opening of a portal. To where? No one could know. The portal does not look stable and could close at any time.
  18. Spikes line this place. That could only mean one thing...
  19. A depression in the ground indicates something to you.
  20. A thick mist covers this area. It defies any meteorlogical explanation.
  21. An abundance of plants have grown here. A great variety of flora of all types overwhelm your senses.
  22. A bard is playing a song in the distance. You recognize the tune.
  23. A tiefling refugee races toward you. "Please! Don't attack!"
  24. A magical darkness shrouds this place. No torch, no magic seems to be able to penetrate it.
  25. An herbalist has set up shop here. "Oh hello!"
  26. A magical adept is fooling around with a door. It seems that he is stressed out. "Come on, damn you!"
  27. There is a great crevasse in blocking your path. It can be jumped over, but only just by your estimations.
  28. A mold has overcome this place. It's thick with bulbous growths.
  29. The ruins of someone's home are here.
  30. The ground appears to be made out of some sort of glass. You can't see var far through it, but you can't shake the feeling that something malevolent resides here.
  31. It looks like a refugee party was slain here. Who could have done such a heinous act?
  32. Did that chest just move now? You investigate.
  33. There are so many trees here! Some of them even bear fruit.
  34. A medical examination table and assorted surgeon's equipment reside here.
  35. A warning is posted here: "Wanted Criminal - Avoid direct contact" A reward for information is listed.
  36. A machine of unknown origin resides here. It's connections and implements are far beyond anything you've seen before.
  37. Barrels of explosives are clearly labeled to be hazardous. It seems that they were rigged to explode all at once but failed to for some unknown reason.
  38. A strange feeling comes upon you. There is something significant here.
  39. Letters are drawn into the ground. What do they mean? Their placement does not immediately reach a logical explanation either.
  40. What is that high above you?
  41. An armory of strange weapons and tools. These were not designed to be the size of the average man.
  42. A robber's stash. It seems so obvious. Could it be booby-trapped.
  43. A glass bottle filled with a mysterious liquid.
  44. A tiny creature is here. It's so adorable! Its is injured. Awww! But something isn't quite right about it...
  45. Someone left a stack of books here. They're glowing.
  46. A twisted riddle is etched into the stone.
  47. A lone knight blocks your way. Can he be reasoned with?
  48. A company of actors and comedians are here. This is very unordinary.
  49. A mundane chest with a thick padlock is here.
  50. A room with no door is here. How do you get in?
  51. A beserker is arguing with his partner. "No, I attack first and you sneak up on them!"
  52. A cult is gathered here. They chant in an unfamiliar tongue. Their chants grow louder and louder as they approach you. Prepare for attack!
  53. Slime covers everything and you can see what has caused it. A gelatinous cube approaches. Its quivering mass looms over you.
  54. "Aye, trodden on my garden have ye'?" The druid is greatly displeased. You see him reaching for his weapon.
  55. A ghastly apparition is on approach. Each whisper you hear is a promise of pain.
  56. The griffon guards its nest with fervent aggression. You are in its territory and its plenty pissed.
  57. "Don't touch that!" You hear a voice scream out. Too late. The mimic has transformed from an innocent treasure chest into a horrific monster. Its tongue has grasped your leg and is pulling you into its teethy maw.
  58. The ogre just grunts as it grabs its club. You all know what's coming. It's just a matter of who comes out on top now.
  59. Don't let the beauty of the Pegasus entrap you. It is as deadly as it is magnificent. It comes into attack position.
  60. "Stay back! I can't control it. I can't..." His voice breaks off as he transforms into a hideous Wererat. Attack!
  61. Beware the Will-o'-Wisp! It has tricked many an adventurer into their deaths and one threatens to do the same here.
  62. The gaze of the Basilisk is even more deadly than its tooth and claw. This is evidenced by the petrified bodies strewn about the room.
  63. You try not to stare at the bearded devil, but his otherworldly appearance captures your gaze. He clearly has plans for you, and they aren't good.
  64. Your sudden arrival has caught the doppelganger off guard. It quickly transforms into a familiar form, but its too late. With its secret revealed, it has no choice but to attack.
  65. A cauldron and the unmistakable stink of cooking flesh. It's a green hag and she has a fixing for her next meal.
  66. By some unholy ritual, hell hounds have arrived into the world. They scour the surface for any trace of you.
  67. The manticore is an unholy union of a human, lion, and a dragon. It sets its sights on you.
  68. The minotaur is here. No maze. Just the promise of your death. Defend yourself!
  69. An ancient tomb. In it, a variety of bodies prepared for the afterlife. Meticulous care was put into protecting them from decay. Unfortunately for you, a curse has reanimated them. They only remember their taste for flesh now.
  70. A nightmare trots into view. At first, it doesn't seem to be as terrifying as the stories you've heard. But once it draws close, you can see its rotting flesh, the flaming hooves and mane. It's built like a tank and it aims to tear you apart.
  71. The fabled owlbear. There is no time to ponder how such a creation can come into being. You can only worry for your own safety as the owlbear is easily provoked.
  72. Phase spiders are warping in. Watch out! One of them has crawled up above and is gearing up to strike at any moment.
  73. A spectator! Run or fight. Either way, you'll never escape its deadly gaze.
  74. This werewolf is not even trying to hide his transformation. He is proud of his feral proclivities and will bathe in your blood after he drives his clawed hand through your torso. Get ready!
  75. Wights are not dangerous because they are some of the most powerful undead creatures. No. It's their intelligence and their endless campaign against the living. Fight!
  76. This is not the natural habitat for the Yeti, and yet it is here. You can see your fate drawn in the blood of its other victims. There is no backing out now.
  77. The blood-curdling scream is a clear sign: BANSHEES! Your death is soon to be added to the ledger.
  78. This hideous aberration before you must be a Chuul. Kill or be killed. There is no other choice here.
  79. The ghost is capable of possessing its victims. Be careful because you feel its control gripping at the edges of your mind now.
  80. The Incubus is a shapechanger. It has selected a shape that is pleasing to your eye, but you should know better than to fall for its wiles. Attack!
  81. Succubus is a shapechanger. It has selected a shape that is pleasing to your eye, but you should know better than to fall for its wiles. Attack!
  82. A red dragon wyrmling stalks this area. You were a fool to enter its domain.
  83. The wereboar here has mastered control of his beastly transformation. He just doesn't like you. He's trotting at you at full speed.
  84. "Rarrr!" A weretiger! What a sight. It wants to paint the scenery with your blood.
  85. Woosh! A flameskull whips into view. You feel the heat on your face even at this distance. It's time to attack!
  86. The pressure in the area suddenly changes. An air elemental materializes in front of you. It must be guarding this place from intruders.
  87. The barbed devil is quite deadly. It damages anyone that grapples with it. Beware, for one such creature stalks the land here.
  88. You hear a rumbling and the earth beneath you quakes. You dive out of the way as an earth elemental emerges right where you were standing. Fight!
  89. Is it getting hot in here or is it just you? No, it's a Fire Elemental and it's ready to attack.
  90. The flesh golem stumbles into your sight. It howls an unearthly cry. Every movement is pain. You would feel pity if you didn't have to fight for you life.
  91. The petrifying breath of the gorgon is well known. What isn't known is how one tracked you down here. Prepare to fight!
  92. The hill giant lowers his club with a loud thud. Looking to your direction, he is amused by the new playthings he discovered. Be careful, he plays rough!
  93. You were foolish to enter this place. A night hag has established a den here and she really doesn't like being disturbed. It's time to get into combat formation!
  94. The appearance of the Salamander spells certain doom for the party. Its heated weapons could cleave through even the best armor
  95. Shambling Mound
  96. Troll
  97. Werebear
  98. Wraith
  99. Xorn
  100. Vampire Spawn
raeleus commented 1 day ago

The mouse from when you give a mouse a cookie. The thoughts kill kill kill You are trapped in a dream Pressure in your chest Temperature rising