rafaelchduran / reelection_backfire

Effect of Term Limit Reform on Crime, Violence and Decentralization
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Comments Comparative Seminar Spring 2021 #3

Open rafaelchduran opened 3 years ago

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Comments on the presentation

Comments on the research project

Comments on the paper -Lucía: where does the money come from when signing an agreement? Is the budget now controlled by the upper-level government?

Things that could be done empirically:

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

How to simplify the paper?

  1. On outcome (decentralization): have solid robustness tests. Exploit the differences in the type of agreements and who are the agreements signed with. -could play around with the constitutional reform and push from the PRI. Like an additional DiD
  2. On mechanisms: Cut mechanisms to one. Everything else condition on it. 2.1 Responsiveness: (a) difference by security preferences; (b) party alignment (story of resources); (c) trust in police. --for placebos: use other worries that shouldn´t be related to public security provision. E.g. poverty; increase in prices; education; natural disasters. See question ap4_2. --use worry about corruption as a thing were we should expect the opposite. --maybe construct an dummy of those states that the governor has more trust than the mayor and viceversa. --trust in transit police shouldn´t matter but I´m assuming that people know the difference between police forces. --for placebos it would be cool to show that they are highly correlated to mechanisms but they don't show results. 2.2. Selection: (a) of incumbents; (b) of challengers 2.3. Cartel presence: condition on this. 2.4. Allowing overgrazing of the bribe base: keeping bureaucrats happy.
  3. On electoral and welfare consequences: Cut number down. Check which ones are actually affected by the decrease in centralization.

How to do this?

  1. Fix controls: multiply pretreatment by year as if it was a time-invariant covariate, or include the time-variant dummies.
  2. Do matching on pretreatment covariates.
  3. Do (1) of the above
  4. Do (2)
  5. Do (3)
rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

On framing:

  1. decentralization vs. centralization
  2. reelection incentives make mayors bring in the apparatus for electoral purposes (nothing out of his hands)
  3. subcontracting dynamic
rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

What other story could explain subcontracting?

  1. local states strategically opt to remain weak, e.g. as a commitment not to expropriate, as in Acemoglu 2005; as a way of preventing rivals having an effective means of taxation, as in Besley and Persson, 2009; or an effort to prevent the formation of a powerful army capable of sharing rents, as in Acemoglu et al., 2011b.
  2. local public security provision benefits the party in power by not shifting the political agenda towards the national scope (political agenda Acemoglu paper)
  3. parrochial transfers emerge as the most economical way of meeting citizen demands in the absence of state centralization (political agenda Acemoglu paper)
  4. reelection incentives leads local mayors to credit claim even at the expense of a crime increase.

Literatures to check

  1. delegation
  2. indirect rule. E.g. Garfias in Mexico
  3. credit claiming
rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Simple subcontracting story

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Simple incumbency advantage story:

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Next steps for subcontracting paper:

  1. Get Mando Unico final estimates
  2. Get Mando Unico robustness
  3. Work on het. effects by security preferences and alignment
  4. Show mediation effect on security provision and violence
rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago


  1. Change reference period. This is important because everything is referred to my period of 2014 that has the acuerdo_gobestatal2
  2. trim ends