rafaelchduran / reelection_backfire

Effect of Term Limit Reform on Crime, Violence and Decentralization
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New Theory #5

Open rafaelchduran opened 3 years ago

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Delegation and agency within the state

Thesis: reelection encourages mayors to focus more on policies with the highest “electoral yield”—namely, no delegation of public security provision. Why? No delegation creates a credible signal of a strong type.
-tie to electoral security -if true what should we expect?

On delegation of public goods: -why delegate? Cons: -cuts autonomy -cuts credit claiming -imposes monitoring (so less rents from crime and other things) -do I see an increase in rents from crime to politicians? -heterogeneous preferences cannot be addressed -responsiveness

Pros -face a high sum cost challenge

Delegation vs responsiveness

Examples -international delegation: grant authority to international actors -environment and regulation -firms to other firms

  1. Electoral delegation leads to provision of public goods


  1. Public pressure and responsiveness

  2. Centralization


  1. Clientelism. Lizzeri and persico


  1. Electoral security. Explore this mentioned by Mi-Son

  2. Parroquial interests


  1. Terrorism


  1. Theories of delegation


  1. Regulation delegation


  1. Why delegate

https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/2601297.pdf?casa_token=bwbKibCTLvAAAAAA:6XOMCIrO2Zp0qonIBlcMxeHEA2t6OnJBQexyO2LWXXGXSRYQslTS-BxPQNOSG-oWMm2VgJEsKKqfU7Kj_-WycUG7qqaayefEPtW1BfHgXgVJ0qmnWLSB -see Milner book page 6. A) information -there shouldn’t be a difference and I don’t see that in the data B) all the things listed in my services list C) distributional concerns: policies reflect major state interests D) resource concerns -but this should be orthogonal to reelection incentives

  1. Why not delegate: agency costs -this don’t differ by reelection incentives


  1. Why not delegate: cannot pursue own interests


  1. Why not delegate: control of its own security policy and decrease the principal agent problems associated with all spending problems https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Richard-Arnott/publication/5151959_Residential_Real_Estate_Brokerage_as_a_Principal-Agent_Problem/links/0f31752def715e915b000000/Residential-Real-Estate-Brokerage-as-a-Principal-Agent-Problem.pdf

-see page 6 and 7 of milners book delegation and agency in international -why multilateralism -delegation to international organizations -this paper studies delegation and agency within the state. Specifically how reelection incentives affect delegation choices. -delegation is the granting of authority to other actors, either independent above or below.


**so the big thing is that it increases electoral survival A. Closer to citizens and follow their mistrust of upper levels of government B. Control of budget C. Decrease agency problems D. Can pursue own interests E. Credit clame to signal a credible strong hand

  1. Why not delegate: mistrust from upper level governments


  1. Why not delegate: to signal a credible strong hand promise -non delegation is more likely to enhance credibility -need municipal measure of trust in mayor


-I can analyze the change in security preferences after the reform: how they change their safety or something -so variation pretreatment and effect post treatment -I can also analyze the change in trust for the mayor -so playing face to seem strong


**delegation is a political choice

  1. Why not delegate? Cannot monitor the agent (agency costs) -this shouldn’t change between those facing reelection and not

  2. Delegation under anarchy states. David Lake


  1. How delegation to international organizations mimics delegation within the state: Lake and Mccubbins -https://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=120&q=delegation+of+public+goods&hl=en&as_sdt=0,33#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DTez86zRFW9wJ

**the logic of delegation by mccubbins

Literature on reelection incentives

  1. On reelection and decentralization


  1. Judges reelection incentives


  1. Reelection and corruption: ferraz and finan

  2. Reelection incentives and deforestation


  1. Reelection and placing effort in local congresses


  1. Reelection and budget


  1. Reelection and Public funds


  1. Term limited and career incentives in Mexico

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/lsq.12068?casa_token=qNQnY_inNn8AAAAA:dwak7A0dJV2w-M51Hb4Ul0XKWJ8Heo7Sm3pG-gvZYKeiV_HLd-vu1P7VzVKXpTjaSDcsZGbWKOc4IPk -basically the notion that reelection incentives leads to pork barrel

  1. Electoral incentives and environmental policies


  1. Reelection incentives and signaling a type


  1. Reelection incentives and close elections check pablos paper


  1. Reelection incentives and counterterrorism to signal competence


  1. Reelection and responsiveness


Literature on electoral security (party vs constituency votes)

Appeal to

  1. Use of local proxies to fight crime
  2. Centralization
  3. Vertical competition
  4. Connecting to big literatures: why delegate and his reelection and electoral incentives m affects such choice. The political economy of delegation.
  5. Cultivate a personalistic vote in party centered systems. More salient once reelection is introduced.