rafaelchduran / reelection_backfire

Effect of Term Limit Reform on Crime, Violence and Decentralization
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Reelection Backfire Final Revision #8

Open rafaelchduran opened 3 years ago

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago


rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Rewriting of Reelection Backfire considering Pablo´s and Hye Young´s comments

This revision needs to (a) make a linear argument and (b) erase all the noise. What is the paper really about? Delegation is a political problem. Thus leave aside:

What to include that is missing? -thing on the context of what citizen are expecting and how they like Hawks. -explain why do citizens still vote for the incumben if violence increases. Speak about the short to long term credit claiming game politicians play in Mexico.

On style

On small things

On introduction: contract of what the reader is to expect on the paper

On theory What do I want to say?

  1. Delegation in some contexts like security policy is the most efficient thing to do. Its not obvious because of spillovers and heterogeneity of tastes though. 1.1 Most delegation decisions are made considering policy product. 1.2 But its a hard choice because of spillover and het tastes. 1.3 But in security spillovers are greater than heterogeneity and need a lot of coordination and resources to be tackled. The large ballon effect literature shows this.
  2. But there is a non-obvious choice for politicians up for reelection. The puzzle. (Fix specially the paragraph in page 12). Having more electoral pressure through reelection leads mayors to signal. You want to signal competence. You do so by owning rather than delegation policy decisions to others. State the novelty that electoral concerns matters for delegation. 2.1 Incumbents need to believe that signals of competence to voters increases there reelection chances. 2.2 Incumbents believe that taking charge of policy sends a signal to voters about their competence. Talk about the benefits that they get from taking charge of policy instead of delegating it to the governor. 2.3 They take charge of policy by not signing security cooperation agreements with governors. 2.4 Voters wants more security. But if delegate they cannot gain the electoral gain. So in some sense reelection concern . Clarify that its that they prefer haws and that they respond to delegation. 2.5 Need a paragraph that shows why reelection incentives affect delegation decision. So instead of the one on three reasons.
  3. Credit claiming and responsiveness. Say that if we only see the former we only see the act of signing but not the act of persecuting crime.
  4. When is the more salient? A) when citizens value a policy and B) when not aligned. 4.1 For this story to be credible citizens need to value the policy. An asymmetry is expected according to the level of concern voters hold. 4.2 For this story to be credible citizens need to be able to identify the responsible of policy. They do so when candidates are aligned.

There is a comment from Pablo that I don't understand. He says that the theory is not about differentiation but rather about fully controlling policy (i.e. taking the bull by the horn) vs. not doing so. If not I need to adjust for the theory. I believe this is related to Hye Young´s point that I need to differentiate between effort and credit claiming only, i.e. between an interest of controlling policy or showing only that you intend to do something but don't do it for real. I can use expenses in security to show that this is the case.

On research design

On results

  • [x] show the naive diff in diff results
  • [x] differentiate the robustness of the main result using different methods and the ones to test the theory. I should separate these into different subsections
  • [x] explain placebos really well in the preferences section.
  • [x] explain well the measure of preferences
  • [x] acknowledge that I do not find evidence on insecurity and punishing criminals
  • [x] Redo Figure 6. Drop the Total interaction effect and establish which ones are placebos.
  • [x] Redo Figure 7. Drop the alignment with PRI.
  • [x] do not talk about unintended consequences but just consequences overall
  • [ ] run interactions by winning margin pre treatment

On effort and outcome: the disconnection between effort and competence

  • Maybe there is a difference between effort and output. They talk and try to hire more police, dispatch more police, but the outcome doesn’t change. What voters observe is the effort so that politician. Distinguish effort from output. Accountability is the actual policy outcome.
  • Need to distinguish between effort and outcomes. If voters observe effort and they would reward you. If they care about the outcome, so why would they reward you.

On conclusions`

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Pending things

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Paragraphs on alignment:

Second, even with the existence of a security cooperation agreements that delegates all security provision to higher level federal authorities, citizens could still blame mayors for not lobbying federal authorities for public good provision in their municipalities. Moreover, citizens may not understand the terms and conditions of cooperation agreements fully.

Paragraphs on placebo:

Lastly, the existence of various types of agreements with upper level governments creates an interesting avenue to test the theory of this paper. While governors are in direct contestation with mayors for electoral spoils, other actors in the country are not.\footnote{For more detail, see the article ``Mando \'Unico Policial: el modelo fracasado" from \url{https://www.proceso.com.mx/515386/mando-unico-policial-el-modelo-fracasado}} This makes cooperation agreements with other actors besides the governor potential falsification tests.

\footnote{Besides centralized commands, there are security cooperation agreements that mayors can sign with other governments in Mexico: (a) agreements between municipalities (e.g., to create metropolitan police forces), (b) between municipalities and the state governor, (c) between municipalities and the federal government, (d) agreements with multiplicity of executive actors (various municipalities, states, with or without the Federal government), and (e) agreements with other branches of government, including legislative and judicial ones, also at various levels of government. This paper focuses on agreements where municipalities delegate security policy to governors only, and leaves aside other forms of cooperation with governors and other political actors.} It´s footnote 12 right now.

Paragraphs on credit claiming:

In this cases, incumbents may use a media strategy to showcase their competence to fight crime but state that it will take a while till peace is achieved. This strategy was widely used by the Felipe Calderon administration in Mexico, for example.

rafaelchduran commented 3 years ago

Pending todos