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Basic JavaScript
6 years ago
6 years ago
[x] Comment Your JavaScript Code
[x] PassedDeclare JavaScript Variables
[x] PassedStoring Values with the Assignment Operator
[x] PassedInitializing Variables with the Assignment Operator
[x] PassedUnderstanding Uninitialized Variables
[x] PassedUnderstanding Case Sensitivity in Variables
[x] PassedAdd Two Numbers with JavaScript
[x] PassedSubtract One Number from Another with JavaScript
[x] PassedMultiply Two Numbers with JavaScript
[x] PassedDivide One Number by Another with JavaScript
[x] PassedIncrement a Number with JavaScript
[x] PassedDecrement a Number with JavaScript
[x] PassedCreate Decimal Numbers with JavaScript
[x] PassedMultiply Two Decimals with JavaScript
[x] PassedDivide One Decimal by Another with JavaScript
[x] PassedFinding a Remainder in JavaScript
[x] PassedCompound Assignment With Augmented Addition
[x] PassedCompound Assignment With Augmented Subtraction
[x] PassedCompound Assignment With Augmented Multiplication
[x] PassedCompound Assignment With Augmented Division
[x] PassedDeclare String Variables
[x] PassedEscaping Literal Quotes in Strings
[x] PassedQuoting Strings with Single Quotes
[x] PassedEscape Sequences in Strings
[x] PassedConcatenating Strings with Plus Operator
[x] PassedConcatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator
[x] PassedConstructing Strings with Variables
[x] PassedAppending Variables to Strings
[x] PassedFind the Length of a String
[x] PassedUse Bracket Notation to Find the First Character in a String
[x] PassedUnderstand String Immutability
[x] PassedUse Bracket Notation to Find the Nth Character in a String
[x] PassedUse Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String
[x] PassedUse Bracket Notation to Find the Nth-to-Last Character in a String
[x] PassedWord Blanks
[x] PassedStore Multiple Values in one Variable using JavaScript Arrays
[x] PassedNest one Array within Another Array
[x] PassedAccess Array Data with Indexes
[x] PassedModify Array Data With Indexes
[x] PassedAccess Multi-Dimensional Arrays With Indexes
[x] PassedManipulate Arrays With push()
[x] PassedManipulate Arrays With pop()
[x] PassedManipulate Arrays With shift()
[x] PassedManipulate Arrays With unshift()
[x] PassedShopping List
[x] PassedWrite Reusable JavaScript with Functions
[x] PassedPassing Values to Functions with Arguments
[x] PassedGlobal Scope and Functions
[x] PassedLocal Scope and Functions
[x] PassedGlobal vs. Local Scope in Functions
[x] PassedReturn a Value from a Function with Return
[x] PassedUnderstanding Undefined Value returned from a Function
[x] PassedAssignment with a Returned Value
[x] PassedStand in Line
[x] PassedUnderstanding Boolean Values
[x] PassedUse Conditional Logic with If Statements
[x] PassedComparison with the Equality Operator
[x] PassedComparison with the Strict Equality Operator
[x] PassedPractice comparing different values
[x] PassedComparison with the Inequality Operator
[x] PassedComparison with the Strict Inequality Operator
[x] PassedComparison with the Greater Than Operator
[x] PassedComparison with the Greater Than Or Equal To Operator
[x] PassedComparison with the Less Than Operator
[x] PassedComparison with the Less Than Or Equal To Operator
[x] PassedComparisons with the Logical And Operator
[x] PassedComparisons with the Logical Or Operator
[x] PassedIntroducing Else Statements
[x] PassedIntroducing Else If Statements
[x] PassedLogical Order in If Else Statements
[x] PassedChaining If Else Statements
[x] PassedGolf Code
[x] PassedSelecting from Many Options with Switch Statements
[x] PassedAdding a Default Option in Switch Statements
[x] PassedMultiple Identical Options in Switch Statements
[x] PassedReplacing If Else Chains with Switch
[x] PassedReturning Boolean Values from Functions
[x] PassedReturn Early Pattern for Functions
[x] PassedCounting Cards
[x] PassedBuild JavaScript Objects
[x] PassedAccessing Object Properties with Dot Notation
[x] PassedAccessing Object Properties with Bracket Notation
[x] PassedAccessing Object Properties with Variables
[x] PassedUpdating Object Properties
[x] PassedAdd New Properties to a JavaScript Object
[x] PassedDelete Properties from a JavaScript Object
[x] PassedUsing Objects for Lookups
[x] PassedTesting Objects for Properties
[x] PassedManipulating Complex Objects
[x] PassedAccessing Nested Objects
[x] PassedAccessing Nested Arrays
[x] PassedRecord Collection
[x] PassedIterate with JavaScript While Loops
[x] PassedIterate with JavaScript For Loops
[x] PassedIterate Odd Numbers With a For Loop
[x] PassedCount Backwards With a For Loop
[x] PassedIterate Through an Array with a For Loop
[x] PassedNesting For Loops
[x] PassedIterate with JavaScript Do...While Loops
[x] PassedProfile Lookup
[x] PassedGenerate Random Fractions with JavaScript
[x] PassedGenerate Random Whole Numbers with JavaScript
[x] PassedGenerate Random Whole Numbers within a Range
[x] PassedUse the parseInt Function
[x] PassedUse the parseInt Function with a Radix
[x] PassedUse the Conditional (Ternary) Operator
[x] PassedUse Multiple Conditional (Ternary) Operators