rafaelgomesxyz / esgst

An extension that enhances SteamGifts / SteamTrades.
MIT License
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Fix a but that shows the new version popup twice #524

Closed Imaynotbehere4long closed 6 years ago

Imaynotbehere4long commented 6 years ago

Whenever there's a new version of ESGST available, a pop up is supposed to appear saying such. However, for me at least, two windows appear, meaning I have to click twice to close both windows (and I know that there are two windows because the shadow transparency around the window is twice as dark as normal, and clicking once returns it to its normal shade while the notification remains).

I know this isn't exactly a top priority issue, but it's still rather annoying.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 6 years ago

Are you using the script or extension? Where do you get the notification (in the discussions page or inside of the ESGST discussion)? Maybe it does not happen in v7.15.0 anymore, because I made some changes.

Imaynotbehere4long commented 6 years ago

I'm using the Tampermonkey script, and I can get the notification(s) on any Steamgifts page (it's a standard ESGST window, the same type that appears if "show G.A. description" is enabled for the homepage G.A. entry button).

Imaynotbehere4long commented 6 years ago

It's still happening, by the way.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 6 years ago

Well, I haven't been able to reproduce it, I'll see if I can find some time this week to test it on Tampermonkey, since I use the extension.

Imaynotbehere4long commented 6 years ago

Anything yet? I'm still having this issue.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 6 years ago

Not yet.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 6 years ago

Don't know why I didn't ask this before, but do you have other scripts enabled that could be conflicting?

Imaynotbehere4long commented 6 years ago

I have Secret Sniffer and Steamgifts Discussion Enhanced, the latter of which I recently had to disable as it conficted with ESGST's own discussion sorter (despite it being disabled within ESGST's options).

I also have Did they even play? and Do You Even Play, Bro?, as well as Steam Economy Enhancer, but those don't activate on the home page, so I doubt they'd conflict with anything.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 6 years ago

Where do you get the double notification? Have you gotten it on the discussions page? Or only in the home page?

Imaynotbehere4long commented 6 years ago

I might have gotten it on the discussions page, but it usually shows up on the home page since that's the first SteamGifts web page I load each time I visit the site. This time, it happened on the "new" giveaways page.

Imaynotbehere4long commented 6 years ago

Update: not only is it still displaying two notification windows, but this time, when I went to update, another pop-up appeared saying that there was no update.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 6 years ago

You might want to disable the option to notify you about new versions until I fix it.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 6 years ago

Added something to the next version that should solve this. I'll probably release this version tomorrow, then when I release the version after this one you see if it still happens.

rafaelgomesxyz commented 6 years ago

So, still getting double with the latest version?

Imaynotbehere4long commented 6 years ago

With the most recent update, only one pop-up appeared, so the issue may be fixed. I'll let you know if it happens again.