rafaelmardojai / firefox-gnome-theme

A GNOME👣 theme for Firefox🔥
The Unlicense
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Improve theme on small window #133

Open gigglylo opened 4 years ago

gigglylo commented 4 years ago

firstly, thanks for this awesome theme, it looks good on my desktop.

secondly, i want to open a small issue on this theme. as the tittle explains, the close button is overlapping with other button next to it. this happens when i resize the firefox window to the smallest size.

Screenshot from 2020-05-03 22-02-24

i played around with placement of the button on Tweaks app, it seems like if we put the close button on the right, it doesn't overlap (but other buttons are hidden)

rafaelmardojai commented 4 years ago

Yeah, i have noticed this too.

As you can see in the screenshot below, comparing default vs themed Firefox, we have a space problem.

This problem is mainly caused by Adwaita big margins/paddings and the windows buttons merged in the navbar. For example the thing is worse for someone with the three buttons enabled:

A perfect solution would be what was proposed in #131, but it's an impossible task to do with just CSS.

So I'm open to suggestions on what to do to make this theme friendlier to small windows.

rafaelmardojai commented 4 years ago

Hey @mgueji, feel free to point there anything that can help us to fix this issue.