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Why not use Maven as a Builder. I'm starting a branch with maven. #4

Open gutomaia opened 13 years ago

gutomaia commented 13 years ago

I've forked the project and started a branch called mavenized. The goal in that branch is to use maven as the builder, however, I am stuck with broken tests.

I've got 770 tests to run as they should. I've found 2 major problems. Most of the problems there about opened threads in "readers" that leads to infinite loops. In a private branch I've comment some just to skip. And the rest about an StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on some implementations of the Formaters, like on the BBConfigFormatter.

I sure need some help. However that part is not yet good enough to be merged into the master branch. Or I don't know if use Maven as a builder is a goal of the project.
