rafamvc / jobs-refinery

Job Posting and Job Applications for RefineryCMS
MIT License
17 stars 25 forks source link

Does this work with the latest refinery? #1

Open ryanfortin opened 13 years ago

ryanfortin commented 13 years ago

How do I install this plugin into my current refinery project? The repo looks to be a full blown refinery application with jobs installed. I am not sure if this is compatible with rails 3 refinery.

I could be doing something wrong. Help!

rake aborted! A plugin MUST have a name!: #<Refinery::Plugin:0x1030e46e8 @pathname=#<Pathname:/Users/IT/rails3/ssj/vendor/plugins/job>, @version=1.0, @plugin_activity=[#<Refinery::Activity:0x10309d900 @conditions=nil, @limit=7, @created_image="add.png", @class=Job(Table doesn't exist), @title="job_title", @url_prefix="edit", @order="updated_at DESC", @updated_image="edit.png", @url=nil, @nested_with=[]>]>

rafamvc commented 13 years ago

No, I never used it with refinery on rails 3. I will try to figure out this tonight. It has been a long time since I've revised my own refinery apps.