rafanoronha / scala-poker

Having fun while coding a brand new open source scala poker library
MIT License
21 stars 12 forks source link

further research around betting round possibilities #28

Open rafanoronha opened 10 years ago

rafanoronha commented 10 years ago

identify rough limitations around the current version (there must be very many issues)

rafanoronha commented 10 years ago

I'm going to provide further information in the case someone from up-fro-grabs gets aboard.

Extra points if we can find some automated way to execute our code following the script of a given poker table transcript (something like [1])

[1] http://www.pokerpages.com/pokerinfo/tournamentgallery/wsop/wsop-transcript-2003.htm

rafanoronha commented 10 years ago

RoboPoker.org [1] looks like cool stuff

we should give it a shot as a road to exploring consistent table transcripts in a somehow automated fashion

[1] http://robopoker.org/about/

rafanoronha commented 10 years ago

RoboPoker is once for all the answer to what I was looking for. I'm going to keep it close in order to identify scala poker flaws.

pierrelandry commented 7 years ago

Hello guys, Being a new scala developer and OpenSource high interest i am looking for a project to contribute. This one look like an interesting one.

How can i help ?

Thanks in advance