rafanoronha / scala-poker

Having fun while coding a brand new open source scala poker library
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Preflop betting should be finished by big blind if nobody raises #40

Closed Naktibalda closed 10 years ago

Naktibalda commented 10 years ago

Currently BettingRound.hasEnded returns true after action of small blind.

There are some tests for TurnSpec

  describe("hasEnded") {
    it("should return false after limping of small blind") {
      table = table.place(dealer.call).place(smallBlind.call)
      table.currentRound.get.hasEnded should equal(false)
    it("should return true when big blind ends preflop round") {
      table = table.place(dealer.call).place(smallBlind.call).place(bigBlind.check)
      table.currentRound.get.hasEnded should equal(true)
Naktibalda commented 10 years ago
