During development of #852, a new method defined as
function DimArray(gen::Base.Generator, argdims=nothing; dims=nothing, kw...)
A = collect(gen)
ds = isnothing(dims) ? argdims : dims
if isnothing(ds)
A isa DimArray || throw(ArgumentError("No dims. Use Dimensions wrappers in the generator or pass `dims` as a keyword or second argument."))
rebuild(A; kw...)
rebuild(A; dims=ds, kw...)
triggers the following error
ERROR: MethodError: similar(::Type{Matrix{Int64}}, ::Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}) is ambiguous.
when the following generator example (which has no DimArray involvement) is run
During development of #852, a new method defined as
triggers the following error
when the following generator example (which has no
involvement) is runFull error message: