rafaqz / Interfaces.jl

Macros to define and implement interfaces, to ensure they are checked and correct.
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Graphs interface #38

Open gdalle opened 8 months ago

gdalle commented 8 months ago

My intern @olegfafurin and I are trying to formalize the AbstractGraph interface in this repo: https://github.com/gdalle/GraphsInterfaceChecker.jl

We might poke around and find missing stuff in Interfaces.jl

rafaqz commented 8 months ago

Cool! @olegfafurin please feel free to make issues here for literally any problems you have or missing features you find. That kind of feedback is really useful at this stage.

Note that #37 will change testing and implementation definition a little and #34 will allow (multiple) inheritance soon.

gdalle commented 6 months ago

The interface is more or less complete for the time being, and the tests have grown larger, in case you're interested to see your package in action @rafaqz

rafaqz commented 6 months ago

The tests look good! Happy its useful :)

rafaqz commented 6 months ago

Also nice use of readme as the interface description!

Do you imagine packages will have this as a dependency, or just for checking the interface?

gdalle commented 6 months ago

For now it's a prototype, still waiting to evolve. Ideally I'd put this in Graphs.jl, but I fear there might be some pushback.

rafaqz commented 6 months ago

Yes abosolutely. Packages could just have it as a test dependency.