rafaqz / Rasters.jl

Raster manipulation for the Julia language
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Update data_sources.jl to use kwarg "name" instead of "key" #686

Closed alex-s-gardner closed 3 months ago

alex-s-gardner commented 3 months ago

There is a disagreement between between the doc string for Raster and what's in the documentation.. documentation uses key and doc sting using name... looking at the code I believe name is correct and key is likely old.

help?> Raster
search: Raster Rasters rasterize rasterize! RasterStack RasterSeries AbstractRaster AbstractRasterStack AbstractRasterSeries partialsortperm partialsortperm! CoordinateReferenceSystemFormat RoundNearestTiesUp RoundNearestTiesAway

  Raster <: AbsractRaster

  Raster(filepath::String; kw...)
  Raster(A::AbstractDimArray; kw...)
  Raster(A::AbstractArray, dims; kw...)

  A generic AbstractRaster for spatial/raster array data. It may hold memory-backed arrays or FileArray, that simply holds the String path to an unopened file. This will only be opened lazily when it is indexed with getindex or when read(A) is called. Broadcasting, taking a view, reversing
  and most other methods do not load data from disk: they are applied later, lazily.

  An AbatractArray for spatial/raster data.

  It may hold memory-backed arrays or, when lazy=true a FileArray that simply holds the String path to an unopened file.

  WIth lazy=true the file will be opened lazily when it is indexed with getindex or when read(A) is called. Broadcasting, taking a view, reversing and most other methods will not load data from disk: they are applied later, lazily.


    •  dims: Tuple of Dimensions needed when an AbstractArray is used.


    •  name: a Symbol name for the array, which will also retreive named layers if Raster is used on a multi-layered file like a NetCDF. name becomes the layer name if the Raster is combined into a RasterStack.

    •  group: the group in the dataset where name can be found. Only needed for nested datasets. A String or Symbol will select a single group. Pairs can also used to access groups at any nested depth, i.e group=:group1 => :group2 => :group3.

    •  missingval: value reprsenting missing data, normally detected from the file. Set manually when you know the value is not specified or is incorrect. This will not change any values in the raster, it simply assigns which value is treated as missing. To replace all of the missing
       values in the raster, use replace_missing.

    •  metadata: Dict or Metadata object for the array, or NoMetadata().

    •  crs: the coordinate reference system of the objects XDim/YDim dimensions. Only set this if you know the detected crs is incrorrect, or it is not present in the file. The crs is expected to be a GeoFormatTypes.jl CRS or Mixed mode GeoFormat object, like EPSG(4326).

    •  mappedcrs: the mapped coordinate reference system of the objects XDim/YDim dimensions. for Mapped lookups these are the actual values of the index. For Projected lookups this can be used to index in eg. EPSG(4326) lat/lon values, having it converted automatically. Only set this
       if the detected mappedcrs in incorrect, or the file does not have a mappedcrs, e.g. a tiff. The mappedcrs is expected to be a GeoFormatTypes.jl CRS or Mixed mode GeoFormat type.

    •  refdims: Tuple of position Dimensions the array was sliced from, defaulting to (). Usually not needed.

  When a filepath String is used:

    •  dropband: drop single band dimensions when creating stacks from filenames. true by default.

    •  lazy: A Bool specifying if to load data lazily from disk. false by default.

    •  replace_missing: replace missingval with missing. This is done lazily if lazy=true. Note that currently for NetCDF and GRIB files replace_missing is always true. In future replace_missing=false will also work for these data sources.

    •  source: Usually automatically detected from filepath extension. To manually force, a Symbol can be passed :gdal, :netcdf, :grd, :grib. The internal Rasters.Source objects, such as Rasters.GDALsource(), Rasters.GRIBsource() or Rasters.NCDsource() can also be used.

    •  write: defines the default write keyword value when calling open on the Raster. false by default. Only makes sense to use when lazy=true.

  When A is an AbstractDimArray:

    •  data: can replace the data in an existing AbstractRaster
rafaqz commented 3 months ago

Thanks, yeah key is old, I must have missed those