rafaqz / Rasters.jl

Raster manipulation for the Julia language
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cf: if `crs` key not present, check keys like `proj4`, `wkt`, `epsg`, `esri` #736

Open asinghvi17 opened 6 days ago

asinghvi17 commented 6 days ago

This is on the cf branch.

I tried to load a raster where grid_mapping => "crs", but there's no crs field in the dataset, only a proj4 field. It also looks like the current code tries to load a variable in the dataset? somehow? Maybe that's a typo.

Ended up hacking around it by simply replacing https://github.com/rafaqz/Rasters.jl/blob/c2258400942ae680e4706153f4189d1bc9ff419b/src/sources/commondatamodel.jl#L165-L173 with a set of checks on possible crs strings, and it doesn't error if it can't find it, only warns.

function _layermetadata(ds::AbstractDataset; layers)
    map(layers.attrs) do attr
        md = _metadatadict(_sourcetrait(ds), attr)
        if haskey(attr, "grid_mapping")
            gm_str = attr["grid_mapping"]
            md["grid_mapping"] = if haskey(ds, gm_str)
            elseif haskey(CDM.attribs(ds), gm_str)
                Dict(gm_str => CDM.attribs(ds)[gm_str])
            elseif gm_str == "crs"
                if haskey(ds, "crs")
                    Dict("crs" => CDM.attribs(ds)["crs"])
                elseif haskey(ds, "proj4")
                    Dict("crs" => CDM.attribs(ds)["proj4"])
                @warn "Could not find crs/."

Is this a solution that makes sense, or should we just not do it? It doesn't actually read the CRS still.

rafaqz commented 6 days ago

What's in the spec? I thought the grid_mapping variable was a key that linked to a shared crs string for the whole dataset.

asinghvi17 commented 5 days ago

Edited after reading the spec

What happens if that crs variable doesn't exist?

The spec does say it's supposed to be a variable: https://cfconventions.org/cf-conventions/cf-conventions.html#grid-mappings-and-projections

but this particular dataset does not have that variable (though it does have a global proj4 field). It shouldn't error on load at least.

asinghvi17 commented 5 days ago

Here's an overview of the dataset, for reference:

julia> zg = zopen("reference://nwm_reanalysis.json", "r")
ZarrGroup at ReferenceStore with 2939545 references
 and path 
Variables: time elevation qBtmVertRunoff q_lateral qSfcLatRunoff streamflow feature_id velocity latitude qBucket order longitude 

julia> zg["velocity"].attrs
Dict{String, Any} with 10 entries:
  "missing_value"     => -999900
  "coordinates"       => "longitude latitude"
  "units"             => "m s-1"
  "add_offset"        => 0.0
  "_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS" => Any["time", "feature_id"]
  "long_name"         => "River Velocity"
  "grid_mapping"      => "crs"
  "scale_factor"      => 0.01
  "_Netcdf4Dimid"     => 0
  "valid_range"       => Any[0, 5000000]

julia> zg.attrs
Dict{String, Any} with 19 entries:
  "TITLE"                     => "OUTPUT FROM WRF-Hydro v5.2.0-beta2"
  "code_version"              => "v5.2.0-beta2"
  "stream_order_output"       => 1
  "proj4"                     => "+proj=lcc +units=m +a=6370000.0 +b=6370000.0 +lat_1=30.0 +lat_2=60.0 +lat_0=40.0 +lon_0=-97.0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +k_0=1.0 +…
  "cdm_datatype"              => "Station"
  "model_initialization_time" => "1979-02-01_00:00:00"
  "model_output_valid_time"   => "1979-02-01_01:00:00"
  "dev_channelBucket_only"    => 0
  "model_configuration"       => "retrospective"
  "featureType"               => "timeSeries"
  "dev_channel_only"          => 0
  "Conventions"               => "CF-1.6"
  ⋮                           => ⋮

julia> zg.attrs |> println
Dict{String, Any}("TITLE" => "OUTPUT FROM WRF-Hydro v5.2.0-beta2", "code_version" => "v5.2.0-beta2", "stream_order_output" => 1, "proj4" => "+proj=lcc +units=m +a=6370000.0 +b=6370000.0 +lat_1=30.0 +lat_2=60.0 +lat_0=40.0 +lon_0=-97.0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +k_0=1.0 +nadgrids=@", "cdm_datatype" => "Station", "model_initialization_time" => "1979-02-01_00:00:00", "model_output_valid_time" => "1979-02-01_01:00:00", "dev_channelBucket_only" => 0, "model_configuration" => "retrospective", "featureType" => "timeSeries", "dev_channel_only" => 0, "Conventions" => "CF-1.6", "model_total_valid_times" => 1416, "station_dimension" => "feature_id", "dev_NOAH_TIMESTEP" => 3600, "dev_OVRTSWCRT" => 1, "_NCProperties" => "version=2,netcdf=4.7.4,hdf5=1.10.7,", "model_output_type" => "channel_rt", "dev" => "dev_ prefix indicates development/internal meta data")

and here's an overview from ZarrDatasets:

julia> zd = ZarrDataset(zg)
Group: root

   time = 367439
   feature_id = 2776738

  time   (367439)
    Datatype:    Dates.DateTime (Int32)
    Dimensions:  time
     units                = minutes since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
     NAME                 = time
     long_name            = valid output time
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 1
     standard_name        = time
     valid_min            = 4777980
     valid_max            = 4862880

  elevation   (2776738 × 367439)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float32} (Float32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id × time
     units                = meters
     coordinates          = longitude latitude
     long_name            = Feature Elevation
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     standard_name        = Elevation
     _FillValue           = 0.0

  qBtmVertRunoff   (2776738 × 367439)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float64} (Int32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id × time
     missing_value        = -9999000
     coordinates          = longitude latitude
     units                = m3
     add_offset           = 0.0
     long_name            = Runoff from bottom of soil to bucket
     grid_mapping         = crs
     scale_factor         = 0.0010000000474974513
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     _FillValue           = 0
     valid_range          = Any[0, 20000000]

  q_lateral   (2776738 × 367439)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float64} (Int32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id × time
     missing_value        = -99990
     coordinates          = longitude latitude
     units                = m3 s-1
     add_offset           = 0.0
     long_name            = Runoff into channel reach
     grid_mapping         = crs
     scale_factor         = 0.10000000149011612
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     _FillValue           = 0
     valid_range          = Any[0, 500000]

  qSfcLatRunoff   (2776738 × 367439)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float64} (Int32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id × time
     missing_value        = -999900000
     coordinates          = longitude latitude
     units                = m3 s-1
     add_offset           = 0.0
     long_name            = Runoff from terrain routing
     grid_mapping         = crs
     scale_factor         = 9.999999747378752e-6
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     _FillValue           = 0
     valid_range          = Any[0, 2000000000]

  streamflow   (2776738 × 367439)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float64} (Int32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id × time
     missing_value        = -999900
     coordinates          = longitude latitude
     units                = m3 s-1
     add_offset           = 0.0
     long_name            = River Flow
     grid_mapping         = crs
     scale_factor         = 0.009999999776482582
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     _FillValue           = 0
     valid_range          = Any[0, 5000000]

  feature_id   (2776738)
    Datatype:    Int32 (Int32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id
     cf_role              = timeseries_id
     long_name            = Reach ID
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     comment              = NHDPlusv2 ComIDs within CONUS, arbitrary Reach IDs outside of CONUS
     NAME                 = feature_id

  velocity   (2776738 × 367439)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float64} (Int32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id × time
     missing_value        = -999900
     coordinates          = longitude latitude
     units                = m s-1
     add_offset           = 0.0
     long_name            = River Velocity
     grid_mapping         = crs
     scale_factor         = 0.009999999776482582
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     _FillValue           = 0
     valid_range          = Any[0, 5000000]

  latitude   (2776738)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float32} (Float32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id
     units                = degrees_north
     long_name            = Feature latitude
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     standard_name        = latitude
     _FillValue           = 0.0

  qBucket   (2776738 × 367439)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float64} (Int32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id × time
     missing_value        = -999900000
     coordinates          = longitude latitude
     units                = m3 s-1
     add_offset           = 0.0
     long_name            = Flux from gw bucket
     grid_mapping         = crs
     scale_factor         = 9.999999747378752e-6
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     _FillValue           = 0
     valid_range          = Any[0, 2000000000]

  order   (2776738 × 367439)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Int32} (Int32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id × time
     coordinates          = longitude latitude
     long_name            = Streamflow Order
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     standard_name        = order
     _FillValue           = 0

  longitude   (2776738)
    Datatype:    Union{Missing, Float32} (Float32)
    Dimensions:  feature_id
     units                = degrees_east
     long_name            = Feature longitude
     _Netcdf4Dimid        = 0
     standard_name        = longitude
     _FillValue           = 0.0

Global attributes
  TITLE                = OUTPUT FROM WRF-Hydro v5.2.0-beta2
  code_version         = v5.2.0-beta2
  stream_order_output  = 1
  proj4                = +proj=lcc +units=m +a=6370000.0 +b=6370000.0 +lat_1=30.0 +lat_2=60.0 +lat_0=40.0 +lon_0=-97.0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +k_0=1.0 +nadgrids=@
  cdm_datatype         = Station
  model_initialization_time = 1979-02-01_00:00:00
  model_output_valid_time = 1979-02-01_01:00:00
  dev_channelBucket_only = 0
  model_configuration  = retrospective
  featureType          = timeSeries
  dev_channel_only     = 0
  Conventions          = CF-1.6
  model_total_valid_times = 1416
  station_dimension    = feature_id
  dev_NOAH_TIMESTEP    = 3600
  dev_OVRTSWCRT        = 1
  _NCProperties        = version=2,netcdf=4.7.4,hdf5=1.10.7,
  model_output_type    = channel_rt
  dev                  = dev_ prefix indicates development/internal meta data
rafaqz commented 5 days ago

Hm I thought grid_mapping = crs meant there was a field called "crs" that held the crs.

Maybe there's a convention to name them e.g. proj4 etc to identify the type? I'm not sure this stuff is fully official. We need somewhere in writing what this should be.