raffaem / waybar-mediaplayer

A mediaplayer for waybar with progress bar, tooltip, album art and synced lyrics
MIT License
20 stars 2 forks source link

Does not work when `vlc` is set as `player_name` #2

Closed jernejmarcic closed 7 months ago

jernejmarcic commented 7 months ago

If the bug report is of poor quality I appologise as I am very new to this. I am using Endevour OS, running Hyprland. I am running the script as instructed in the README, I changed nothing and to my knowledge followed the instructions precisely.

I have downloaded music saved in the .flac format. I know that it has all the necessary metadata (such as cover art). However the script does function properly.

When waybar is reset withplayer_name being set to vlc (confirmed it is the correct player name using playerctl --list-all). I get the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 455, in <module>
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 431, in main
    init_player(manager, player)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 344, in init_player
    update_metadata(player, player.props.metadata, manager)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 226, in update_metadata
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 192, in download_art
    resp = requests.get(art_url)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 73, in get
    return request("get", url, params=params, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/api.py", line 59, in request
    return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 589, in request
    resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 697, in send
    adapter = self.get_adapter(url=request.url)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/sessions.py", line 794, in get_adapter
    raise InvalidSchema(f"No connection adapters were found for {url!r}")
requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: No connection adapters were found for 'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'

On my waybar it appears as follows: 20240125_22h26m18s_grim

I have confirmed that the file path is valid and shows the correct cover art.

I can circumvent the issue of the script not working properly by setting something different as the player_name, for example if I set "player_name": "spotify" ( I do not have spotify) and re-run waybar I get no error message, before playing a track it looks like this: 20240125_22h32m01s_grim

When I play a son using vlc (when "player_name": "spotify" ) it appears to work perfectly only missing the cover art.


raffaem commented 7 months ago

Should be fixed now.

Can you update following the update instructions in the new README and try again?

jernejmarcic commented 7 months ago

Followed the instructions, updated and set vlc as player_name. The title and porgress bar work, however I still get the following error for the cover art: 20240126_10h16m07s_grim

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 44, in on_player_appeared
    init_player(manager, player)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 373, in init_player
    update_metadata(player, player.props.metadata, manager)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 236, in update_metadata
    updated = update_progressbar(manager, player)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 349, in update_progressbar
    widget_text = gen_widget_text(player)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 157, in gen_widget_text
    song_info = title.strip()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 70, in on_metadata
    update_metadata(player, metadata, manager)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 243, in update_metadata
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 204, in download_art
    raise Exception(
Exception: Unknown protocol for attachment://picture0.jpg. Please report this as a bug.
raffaem commented 7 months ago

That's two different errors.

  1. How is it possible that the title is None? What VLC version do you have? Can you send the song over?
  2. This it not a valid scheme according to specification. Where is VLC getting the album art from?
raffaem commented 7 months ago

Can you close VLC, run $HOME/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer monitor -vvv, open VLC, starts playing and copy paste here the stdout you get?

raffaem commented 7 months ago

Also try the new version, it won't show the album art but at least it should not crash

jernejmarcic commented 7 months ago

I set the player_name back to vlc and ran the script, this time it did work without me having to change anything, upon further testing I realized that it will only set the image of the track playing IF vlc was launched before vlc. If I play a different track the old cover art (from the inital song I played when waybar was launched remains), however the title and progress bar work prefectly. If I launch vlc befor waybar: 20240126_11h16m52s_grim

Then when playing a new song I get the same error message as my comment above and my mediaplayer still displays the old cover art. ERROR is the tile of the song 20240126_11h36m53s_grim

When I turn close vlc the cover is still kept and is looks like that: 20240126_11h19m23s_grim

If a launch vlc after waybar is running: 20240126_10h16m07s_grim

Running $HOME/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer monitor -vvv

I closed vlc and reset waybar, ran $HOME/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer monitor -vvv and opened vlc. Here is the entire output:

[main] [INFO] I was called
[main] [DEBUG] Arguments received {'command': 'monitor', 'verbose': 3}
[main] [DEBUG] config={'refresh_interval': 500, 'is_notification': False, 'notification_min_interval': 2, 'widget_length': 20, 'sepchar': '\uf444', 'surface_color': 'rgba(54, 58, 79, 0.5)', 'overlay_color': 'rgba(110, 115, 141, 0.6)', 'interval': 0.1, 'text_rot_int': 1000, 'image_signal': 4, 'length_factor': 1, 'player_name': 'vlc', 'convert_to_jpeg': False}
[main] [DEBUG] Splitting player_name on `.`. requested_player=vlc
[main] [DEBUG] No player found. Printing empty
{"text": "\uf144                   ", "class": "perc0-0", "tooltip": "<span></span>"}
[on_player_appeared] [DEBUG] I was called
[init_player] [DEBUG] I was called
[init_player] [DEBUG] name.name=vlc
[init_player] [DEBUG] Calling update_metadata
[update_metadata] [INFO] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos from CLI=0.0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata=@a{sv} {}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] ERROR: The player is not reporting the length of the song to us. Progress bar won't work.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 44, in on_player_appeared
    init_player(manager, player)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 373, in init_player
    update_metadata(player, player.props.metadata, manager)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 236, in update_metadata
    updated = update_progressbar(manager, player)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 349, in update_progressbar
    widget_text = gen_widget_text(player)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 157, in gen_widget_text
    song_info = title.strip()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'
[on_metadata] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_metadata] [INFO] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos from CLI=10.0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'attachment://picture0.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf144 Can't Take Me Down", "class": "perc0-0", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[download_art] [DEBUG] Updating album art
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 70, in on_metadata
    update_metadata(player, metadata, manager)
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 243, in update_metadata
  File "/home/jernej/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer", line 204, in download_art
    raise Exception(
Exception: Unknown protocol for attachment://picture0.jpg. Please report this as a bug.
[on_metadata] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_metadata] [INFO] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos from CLI=5.0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf144 Can't Take Me Down", "class": "perc0-0", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[download_art] [DEBUG] Updating album art
[download_art] [DEBUG] Album art '/home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead Posey/Blue Monday/art.jpg' symlinked to '/tmp/waybar-mediaplayer-art'
[update_metadata] [DEBUG] Returning
[on_metadata] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_playback_status] [INFO] I was called
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] status=<enum PLAYERCTL_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PLAYING of type Playerctl.PlaybackStatus>
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Calling register_refresh_interval_callback
[register_refresh_interval_callback] [INFO] I was called
[register_refresh_interval_callback] [DEBUG] Registering `refresh_interval` callback
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Calling update_progressbar
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos from CLI=7.0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf28b Can't Take Me Down", "class": "perc0-0", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=572078
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf28b Can't Take Me Down", "class": "perc0-3", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=850841
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf28b Can't Take Me Down", "class": "perc0-4", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=1408199
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf28b Can't Take Me Down", "class": "perc0-7", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_playback_status] [INFO] I was called
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] status=<enum PLAYERCTL_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSED of type Playerctl.PlaybackStatus>
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Calling register_refresh_interval_callback
[register_refresh_interval_callback] [INFO] I was called
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Calling update_progressbar
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=1965235
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf144 Can't Take Me Down", "class": "perc1-0", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] I was called
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] Returning False
raffaem commented 7 months ago

Also try the new version, it won't show the album art but at least it should not crash

I don't think you updated the module. Can you try to update the module please?

You lack this commit: https://github.com/raffaem/waybar-mediaplayer/commit/ac575818d847fe77b55d98e748cdffaea4c14d38

jernejmarcic commented 7 months ago

I updated the comment to make it clearer that the title and progress bar work flawlessly, thank you :)

raffaem commented 7 months ago

I updated the comment to make it clearer that the title and progress bar work flawlessly, thank you :)

I don't understand.

From the output you posted here: https://github.com/raffaem/waybar-mediaplayer/issues/2#issuecomment-1911811041, I have reasons to believe you are running an old version of the software.

Can you update following these instructions: https://github.com/raffaem/waybar-mediaplayer#update?

jernejmarcic commented 7 months ago

My apologies, I believe I started making this comment before the latest fix was available, however on the version I was using the track title and progress bar still function flawlessly. I have updated to the latest version now.

The mediaplayer no longer throws out any errors.

I again, closed vlc and reset waybar, ran $HOME/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer monitor -vvv and opened vlc. Here is the output:

[main] [INFO] I was called
[main] [DEBUG] Arguments received {'command': 'monitor', 'verbose': 3}
[main] [DEBUG] config={'refresh_interval': 500, 'is_notification': False, 'notification_min_interval': 2, 'widget_length': 20, 'sepchar': '\uf444', 'surface_color': 'rgba(54, 58, 79, 0.5)', 'overlay_color': 'rgba(110, 115, 141, 0.6)', 'interval': 0.1, 'text_rot_int': 1000, 'image_signal': 4, 'length_factor': 1, 'player_name': 'vlc', 'convert_to_jpeg': False}
[main] [DEBUG] Splitting player_name on `.`. requested_player=vlc
[main] [DEBUG] No player found. Printing empty
{"text": "\uf144                   ", "class": "perc0-0", "tooltip": "<span></span>"}
[on_player_appeared] [DEBUG] I was called
[init_player] [DEBUG] I was called
[init_player] [DEBUG] name.name=vlc
[init_player] [DEBUG] Calling update_metadata
[update_metadata] [INFO] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos from CLI=0.0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata=@a{sv} {}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] ERROR: The player is not reporting the length of the song to us. Progress bar won't work.
{"text": "\uf144                   ", "class": "perc0-0", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'></span>\n\n<i></i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[update_metadata] [DEBUG] Returning
[register_refresh_interval_callback] [INFO] I was called
[init_player] [DEBUG] Returning None
[on_player_appeared] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_metadata] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_metadata] [INFO] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos from CLI=6.0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'attachment://picture0.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf144 Can't Take Me Down", "class": "perc0-0", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[download_art] [DEBUG] Updating album art
[download_art] [DEBUG] Invalid schema for attachment://picture0.jpg. Please report this as a bug.
[update_metadata] [DEBUG] Returning
[on_metadata] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_metadata] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_metadata] [INFO] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos from CLI=5.0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf144 e Me Down \uf444 Can't Tak", "class": "perc0-0", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[download_art] [DEBUG] Updating album art
[download_art] [DEBUG] Album art '/home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead Posey/Blue Monday/art.jpg' symlinked to '/tmp/waybar-mediaplayer-art'
[update_metadata] [DEBUG] Returning
[on_metadata] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_playback_status] [INFO] I was called
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] status=<enum PLAYERCTL_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PLAYING of type Playerctl.PlaybackStatus>
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Calling register_refresh_interval_callback
[register_refresh_interval_callback] [INFO] I was called
[register_refresh_interval_callback] [DEBUG] Registering `refresh_interval` callback
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Calling update_progressbar
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos from CLI=13.0
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Song is the same and neither the text nor the progressbar needs an update. Returning
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=572129
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf28b e Me Down \uf444 Can't Tak", "class": "perc0-3", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=850820
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf28b  Me Down \uf444 Can't Take", "class": "perc0-4", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_playback_status] [INFO] I was called
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] status=<enum PLAYERCTL_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSED of type Playerctl.PlaybackStatus>
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Calling register_refresh_interval_callback
[register_refresh_interval_callback] [INFO] I was called
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Calling update_progressbar
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] I was called
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pos=1129315
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] length=196693832
{"text": "\uf144  Me Down \uf444 Can't Take", "class": "perc0-6", "tooltip": "<span><span variant='title-caps' font_weight='bold'>Can't Take Me Down</span>\n    Dead Posey\n<i>   Blue Monday</i></span>"}
[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_playback_status] [DEBUG] Returning True
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] I was called
[on_refresh_interval] [DEBUG] Returning False
raffaem commented 7 months ago

My apologies, I believe I started making this comment before the latest fix was available, however on the version I was using the track title and progress bar still function flawlessly. I have updated to the latest version now.

Ok, so what problem remains? Not showing cover art?

raffaem commented 7 months ago

Although the first time your VLC is sending an invalid schema for the album cover art:

[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'attachment://picture0.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[download_art] [DEBUG] Updating album art
[download_art] [DEBUG] Invalid schema for attachment://picture0.jpg. Please report this as a bug.

From the second time on it sends a correct schema, and the file is indeed copied (symlink is an error, it is copied):

[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'file:///home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead%20Posey/Blue%20Monday/art.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[download_art] [DEBUG] Updating album art
[download_art] [DEBUG] Album art '/home/jernej/.cache/vlc/art/artistalbum/Dead Posey/Blue Monday/art.jpg' symlinked to '/tmp/waybar-mediaplayer-art'

Can you post your entire (not just this module) $HOME/.config/waybar/config?

jernejmarcic commented 7 months ago

I do not understand, do you want my entire waybar config? Additionally this bug:

[update_progressbar] [DEBUG] pmetadata={'mpris:trackid': <objectpath '/org/videolan/vlc/playlist/3'>, 'xesam:url': <'file:///home/jernej/Music/rock%20on/01%20-%20Dead%20Posey%20-%20Can%27t%20Take%20Me%20Down%28Explicit%29.flac'>, 'xesam:title': <"Can't Take Me Down">, 'xesam:artist': <['Dead Posey']>, 'xesam:album': <'Blue Monday'>, 'xesam:tracknumber': <'2'>, 'vlc:time': <uint32 196>, 'mpris:length': <int64 196693832>, 'xesam:genre': <['']>, 'xesam:contentCreated': <'2022-09-23'>, 'mpris:artUrl': <'attachment://picture0.jpg'>, 'vlc:copyright': <'© 2022 Position Music'>, 'vlc:length': <int64 196693>, 'vlc:publisher': <3>}
[download_art] [DEBUG] Updating album art
[download_art] [DEBUG] Invalid schema for attachment://picture0.jpg. Please report this as a bug.

Does not appear anymore, there are no errors in the waybar log.

raffaem commented 7 months ago

I do not understand, do you want my entire waybar config?

Yes, please.

I suspect some other module is intercepting the signal we are sending to waybar that tells it to update the image on the bar.

jernejmarcic commented 7 months ago

I have neglected to comment out a different music player, I have commented it out and restarted waybar however I still don't get the cover. Here is my config.jsconc as of now:

    "layer": "top",
    "position": "top",
    "mod": "dock",
    "exclusive": true,
    "passtrough": false,
    "gtk-layer-shell": true,
    "height": 0,
    "modules-left": [
     "image", "custom/mediaplayer"
        // "custom/weather",
  //  "hyprland/workspaces",
    // "custom/playerctl", "custom/playerlabel"

    "modules-center": ["hyprland/workspaces"],
    "modules-right": [
        // "custom/updates",

    "hyprland/window": {
        "format": "{}"
    "hyprland/workspaces": {
        "on-scroll-up": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e+1",
        "on-scroll-down": "hyprctl dispatch workspace e-1",
            "1": "1",
            "2": "2",
            "3": "3",
            "4": "4",
            "5": "5",
            "6": "6",
            "7": "7",
            "8": "8",
            "9": "9",
            "0": "10",

        "all-outputs": true,
        "on-click": "activate",
        "format": "{icon}",
        "format-icons": {
            "1": "1",
            "2": "2",
            "3": "3",
            "4": "4",
            "5": "5",
            "6": "6",
            "7": "7",
            "8": "8",
            "9": "9",
            "0": "10",

            "urgent": "",
            // "active": "",
            "default": ""

"image": {
  "path": "/tmp/waybar-mediaplayer-art",
  "size": 32,
  "signal": 2,
  "on-click": "feh --auto-zoom --borderless --title 'feh-float' /tmp/waybar-mediaplayer-art"

"custom/mediaplayer": {
    "exec": "$HOME/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer monitor",
    "return-type": "json",
    "format": "{}",
    "on-click": "$HOME/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer play-pause",
    "on-scroll-up": "$HOME/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer next",
    "on-scroll-down": "$HOME/.config/waybar/waybar-mediaplayer/src/mediaplayer previous",
    "min-length": 20,
    "max-length": 20
    "custom/playerctl": {
      "format": "{icon}",
      "return-type": "json",
      "max-length": 64,
      "exec": "playerctl -a metadata --format '{\"text\": \"{{artist}} - {{markup_escape(title)}}\", \"tooltip\": \"{{playerName}} : {{markup_escape(title)}}\", \"alt\": \"{{status}}\", \"class\": \"{{status}}\"}' -F",
      "on-click-middle": "playerctl play-pause",
      "on-click": "playerctl previous",
      "on-click-right": "playerctl next",
      "format-icons": {
        "Playing": "<span foreground='#E5B9C6'>󰒮 󰐌 󰒭</span>",
        "Paused": "<span foreground='#928374'>󰒮 󰏥 󰒭</span>"

    "custom/playerlabel": {
      "format": "<span>{}</span>",
      "return-type": "json",
      "max-length": 48,
      "exec": "playerctl -a metadata --format '{\"text\": \"{{artist}} - {{markup_escape(title)}}\", \"tooltip\": \"{{playerName}} : {{markup_escape(title)}}\", \"alt\": \"{{status}}\", \"class\": \"{{status}}\"}' -F",
      "on-click-middle": "playerctl play-pause",
      "on-click": "playerctl previous",
      "on-click-right": "playerctl next",
      "format-icons": {
        "Playing": "<span foreground='#E5B9C6'>󰒮 󰐌 󰒭</span>",
        "Paused": "<span foreground='#928374'>󰒮 󰏥 󰒭</span>"

     "cpu": {
         "interval": 5,
    //     "hwmon-path-abs": "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input",
      //   "input-filename": "temp1_input",
    "format": "{icon} {usage}% ",
    "format-alt": "{icon0}{icon1}{icon2}{icon3}{icon4}{icon5}{icon6}{icon7}{icon8}{icon9}",
     "format-icons": [
          "<span color='#69ff94'>▁</span>", // green
          "<span color='#2aa9ff'>▂</span>", // blue
          "<span color='#f8f8f2'>▃</span>", // white
          "<span color='#f8f8f2'>▄</span>", // white
          "<span color='#ffffa5'>▅</span>", // yellow
          "<span color='#ffffa5'>▆</span>", // yellow
          "<span color='#ff9977'>▇</span>", // orange
          "<span color='#dd532e'>█</span>"  // red
         "max-length": 10,
        // "hwmon-path": "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/temp1_input",
        // "thermal-zone": 2,
         //"format-alt": "{temperatureC}°C"
     "memory": {
         "interval": 30,
         "format": "  {}%",
         "format-alt":"  {used:0.1f}G",
         "max-length": 10

    "disk": {
    "format": "󰋊 {percentage_used}%",
    "format-alt": "󰋊 {used}/{total}",
    "interval": 90,
    "tooltip": true,
    "tooltip-format": "Free space: {free}",
    "path": "/"

    "backlight": {
        "exec": "light -G",
        "format": "| {percent}% {icon}  |",
        "format-icons": //note you can only have one icon set actiave at a time, commnt out the one you are not using 
    // ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] //moonphase icons
    ["󰛩","󱩎", "󱩏", "󱩐", "󱩑", "󱩒", "󱩓", "󱩔", "󱩕", "󰛨"] //lightblulb icons

//    "custom/updates": {
//        "exec": "(paru -Qua) | wc -l",
 //       "interval": 7200,
  //      "format": " {}"
 //   },
  //  "custom/language": {
 //        "exec": "setxkbmap -query | grep 'layout:'" ,
 //        "interval": 3,
 //        "format": " {}",
 //        "tooltip": false
 //    },
 //   "custom/weather" : {
 //       "tooltip" : true,
 //       "format" : "{}",
 //       "restart-interval" : 300,
 //       "exec" : "~/.config/waybar/scripts/waybar-wttr.py",
 //       "return-type" : "json"
 //   },
    "tray": {
        "icon-size": 13,
        "tooltip": false,
        "spacing": 10
    "clock": {
    "interval": 1,
       "format": "󰅐  {:%R:%S    %d/%m}",
        "tooltip-format": "<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>",
    "calendar": {
                    "mode"          : "year",
                    "mode-mon-col"  : 3,
                    "weeks-pos"     : "right",
                    "on-scroll"     : 1,
                    "on-click-right": "mode",
                    "format": {
                              "months":     "<span color='#ffead3'><b>{}</b></span>",
                              "days":       "<span color='#ecc6d9'><b>{}</b></span>",
                              "weeks":      "<span color='#99ffdd'><b>W{}</b></span>",
                              "weekdays":   "<span color='#ffcc66'><b>{}</b></span>",
                              "today":      "<span color='#ff6699'><b><u>{}</u></b></span>"


    "pulseaudio": {
        "format": "{icon} {volume}%",
        "tooltip": false,
        "format-muted": "󰸈 Muted",
        "on-click": "pamixer -t",
        "on-scroll-up": "pamixer -i 1",
        "on-scroll-down": "pamixer -d 1",
        "scroll-step": 1,
        "format-icons": {
            "headphone": "",
            "hands-free": "",
            "headset": "",
            "phone": "",
            "portable": "",
            "car": "",
            "default": ["", "", "󰕾"]
    "pulseaudio#microphone": {
        "format": "{format_source}",
        "tooltip": false,
        "format-source": " {volume}%",
        "format-source-muted": " Muted",
        "on-click": "pamixer --default-source -t",
        "on-scroll-up": "pamixer --default-source -i 1",
        "on-scroll-down": "pamixer --default-source -d 1",
        "scroll-step": 5

    "battery": {

    "interval": 60,

    "format": "{capacity}%",
    "format-alt": "{power}",
        // "format-good": "", // An empty format will hide the module
        // "format-full": "",


    "battery#icon": {

    "format": "{icon}",    
    "format-icons": {
    "<span color='#dd532e'>󱃍</span>", // red for very low charge
    "<span color='#dd532e'>󰁺</span>", // red for low charge
    "<span color='#ff9977'>󰁻</span>", // orange for medium-low charge
    "<span color='#ffffa5'>󰁼</span>", // yellow for medium charge
    "<span color='#ffffa5'>󰁽</span>", // yellow for medium-high charge
    "<span color='#ffffa5'>󰁾</span>", // yellow for medium-high charge
    "<span color='#9ece6a'>󰁿</span>", // green for higher charge
    "<span color='#9ece6a'>󰂀</span>", // green for even higher charge
    "<span color='#9ece6a'>󰂁</span>", // green for full charge or nearly full
    "<span color='#9ece6a'>󰂂</span>", // green for full charge
    "<span color='#dd532e'>󰂃</span>"  // red for 100% charged

    "charging": ["󰢟", "󰢜", "󰂆", "󰂇", "󰂈", "󰢝", "󰂉", "󰢞", "󰂊", "󰂋", "󰂅"]
    "format-charging": "{icon}",
    "format-plugged": "{capacity}% ",
    "format-alt": "{time} {icon}"

    "network": {
        // "interface": "wlp2*", // (Optional) To force the use of this interface
        "format-wifi": "{icon}",
        "on-click": "./.config/wofi/wifimenu.sh",
        "format-icons": ["󰤯", "󰤟", "󰤟", "󰤥", "󰤨"],
        "format-disconnected" : "󰤫",
        "format-ethernet": "󰈀"


    "network#wifistrenght" : {
    "format-wifi": "{signalStrength}%",

   // "format-ethernet": "{ipaddr}/{cidr}",
    "tooltip-format": "{ifname} via {gwaddr} ",
    "format-disconnected": "Disconnected ⚠",
    "format-alt": "{essid}| {ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr} |"

  // "custom/powermenu": {
    //    "format": "",
      //  "on-click": "./.config/rofi/powermenu/type-2/powermenu.sh",
        //"tooltip": false

raffaem commented 7 months ago
"image": {
  "path": "/tmp/waybar-mediaplayer-art",
  "size": 32,
  "signal": 2,
  "on-click": "feh --auto-zoom --borderless --title 'feh-float' /tmp/waybar-mediaplayer-art"

Why you have signal: 2 here?

The provided config.json contains signal: 4: https://github.com/raffaem/waybar-mediaplayer/blob/master/src/config.json

Change the 2 to 4 and restart waybar.

raffaem commented 7 months ago

Oh so so sorry! I forgot to update the README once again! Totally my fault.

raffaem commented 7 months ago

I updated the README. Use the new configuration indicated in the README for your $HOME/.config/waybar/config and album art switching will work.

jernejmarcic commented 7 months ago

It woks. Art switching with vlc does work now. A quick note with vlc sometimes the art will not display, resenting vlc fixes that Also tested with Amberol and confirmed it works too. Tested with Firefox and confirmed it works too.

I would like to thank you sincerely for all the help and getting it fixed so fast :)

Just in case you need more testing, I will be unavailable for the next 3 hours since I have a programming completion.

raffaem commented 7 months ago


kew fixed its bugs too, so it should work also with kew now.

Thank you very much for the bug report and the testing.