rafguns / linkpred

Easy link prediction tool
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ZeroDivisionError #30

Open TaousDev opened 4 years ago

TaousDev commented 4 years ago


in AdamicAdar i got ZeroDivisionError : floar division by zero

Any idea on how to fix this ? Thank you


rafguns commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report. This looks like a bug. Can you provide a minimal test case (small graph) where the problem occurs?

TaousDev commented 4 years ago

I managed to fix it, using numpy, instead of math.log() I used numpy.log()

I'm also having trouble around the universe term that is used in EvaluationSheet(), I need this to get the confusion matrix and accuracy

Thank you

rafguns commented 4 years ago

Thanks. Good to know that it can be solved using numpy.log but I woud like to understand the issue before applying a fix. So if you can supply an example, that would still be much appreciated.

Can you open a separate issue relating to EvaluationSheet? Thanks!