rafi / vim-config

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Latest Changes : Errors on clean install #126

Closed thecontinium closed 4 years ago

thecontinium commented 5 years ago

After the latest changes I get many errors from a clean install.
I removed both the cache and .local/share/nvim.

These are the errors at the end of the install ...

[dein] Error occurred while executing hook: defx.nvim [dein] Vim(source):E484: Cannot open file /config/plugins/defx.vim [dein] Error occurred while executing hook: deoplete.nvim [dein] Vim(source):E484: Cannot open file /config/plugins/deoplete.vim [dein] Error occurred while executing hook: denite.nvim [dein] Vim(source):E484: Cannot open file /config/plugins/denite.vim [dein] Error occurred while executing hook: goyo.vim [dein] Vim(source):E484: Cannot open file /config/plugins/goyo.vim [dein] Error occurred while executing hook: neomake [dein] Vim(source):E484: Cannot open file /config/plugins/neomake.vim [dein] Vim(call):E739: Cannot create directory /tags: permission denied [dein] /Users/thecontinium/.cache/vim/dein/repos/github.com/ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags/plugin/gutentags.vim, line 77 not found in 'packpath': "pack//start/" not found in 'packpath': "pack//start/matchit" not found in 'packpath': "pack//start/*" Reading ShaDa file "/Users/thecontinium/.local/share/nvim/shada/main.shada" info marks oldfiles FAILED Writing ShaDa file "/Users/thecontinium/.local/share/nvim/shada/main.shada"

thecontinium commented 5 years ago

Looks like the environment variable $VIM_PATH and $DATA_PATH are not getting resolved.

thecontinium commented 5 years ago


let $VIM_PATH = fnamemodify(resolve(expand(':p')), ':h:h') let $DATA_PATH = expand(($XDG_CACHE_HOME ? $XDG_CACHE_HOME : '~/.cache').'/vim') if has('nvim') && isdirectory($DATA_PATH . '/venv/neovim3') let g:python3_host_prog = $DATA_PATH . '/venv/neovim3/bin/python' endif

to the top of config/init.vim is a temp fix for most of the issues.

I am still getting not found in 'pack path' and some ShaDa file errors.

rafi commented 5 years ago

Hi @thecontinium, can you check with latest commit 1176897 ? The &packpath warnings aren't errors. I'll see what I can do.

Also, dein seems to load all plugins with on_path: .* suddently on VimEnter. I need to open an issue at dein.

thecontinium commented 5 years ago


Thanks for the update.

Mostly looks good apart from

  1. make uninstall && make install results in not having a python environment and:

    [dein] (135/138) [+++++++++++++++++++-] vim-altr
    [dein] Error occurred while executing hook: neomake
    [dein] Vim(if):E121: Undefined variable: g:python3_host_prog
    [dein] Done: (2019/09/19 12:47:29)not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/start/*"
    not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/start/matchit"

    Can you call venv.sh if the python envonment is not there on an install ? Maybe add a reinstall directive to make uninstall && ./venv.sh && make install

  2. I have a local config yaml that has an entry:

- repo: Olical/conjure
  rep: v1.*.*
  build: bin/compile
  on_ft: clojure

This worked before but now results in a dein error and stops the install with this error:

[dein] Done: (2019/09/19 12:48:25)not found in 'runtimepath': "autoload/conjure.vim"

Suspect this may be a dein issue; what do you think ?

  1. make uninstall && ./venv.sh && make install without my local config's is good apart from these pack path messages:
[dein] (127/137) [++++++++++++++++++--] python_match.vim
[dein] (133/137) [+++++++++++++++++++-] vim-denite-session
[dein] Done: (2019/09/19 13:03:28)not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/start/*"
not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/start/matchit"
not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/start/*"
[dein] Update started: (2019/09/19 13:03:28)
  1. make update has pack path messages:
not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/start/*"
not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/start/matchit"
not found in 'packpath': "pack/*/start/*"
not found in 'runtimepath': "plugin/**/*.vim"
[dein] Update started: (2019/09/19 13:17:06)
[dein] ( 16/139) [++------------------] vim-node
[dein] ( 17/139) [++------------------] splitjoin.vim
  1. the above is with Neovim 0.4.2. Not exactly the same messages but same issues with an earlier version (0.3.8) of Neovim installed via:

brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sashkab/homebrew-core/d6c952d1dbf93d44a88cc911f3b6c0b11c7bb4ae/Formula/neovim.rb

wangjinjie722 commented 4 years ago

Got the same issue

20jam commented 4 years ago

Got the same issue

rafi commented 4 years ago

As far as I can see, there are any errors anymore, except the packpath warnings, which is OK, because I don't use vim8 package feature.

@20jam @wangjinjie722 @thecontinium can you see any other errors?

thecontinium commented 4 years ago

looks good to me - thx