rafinkanisa / ngm-reportDesk

The workdesk for ReportHub
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Disabling copy old admin boundaries when using Copy Project #169

Open rafinkanisa opened 2 years ago

rafinkanisa commented 2 years ago

We currently have 2 admin boundaries in the system for Afghanistan. The boundaries are updated in 2018. Therefore, the projects created before 2018 are still using the old admin boundaries.

If I use the "Copy Project" button, the old admin boundaries are copied while this shall not happen. Kindly add a functionality to disable the system copying the old locations. If the project being copied is using the old boundaries code, the copied project shall use the new boundaries or make the user must re-select the province - district - define the site name again.

In case there are any other countries in which admin boundaries are being updated in the future, this functionality will be very useful to have.