danectl replaces "." with "_" in the function shcertname() but the script fails for domains with a "-" in them with an error as the printf invocation in tlsa_role() then gets confused. Possibly other characters may cause issues too, I don't know.
I fixed this by changing the "sed" invocation in shcertname() to also replace "-" with "" but feels like a broader solution might be needed to replace any non-alphanumeric with "".
danectl replaces "." with "_" in the function shcertname() but the script fails for domains with a "-" in them with an error as the printf invocation in tlsa_role() then gets confused. Possibly other characters may cause issues too, I don't know.
I fixed this by changing the "sed" invocation in shcertname() to also replace "-" with "" but feels like a broader solution might be needed to replace any non-alphanumeric with "".