rafradek / sigsegv-mvm

gigantic, obese SourceMod extension library of sigsegv's TF2 mods (mostly MvM related)
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[Bug] "mult dmg vs tanks" 0.2 resulting in weapon dealing 0 damage to tanks (possibly related to bison projectile?) #106

Closed raandomguy closed 2 months ago

raandomguy commented 3 months ago

Here's my custom weapon: It's supposed to deal 20% damage to tanks, but upon recent testing I have found that it instead deals none at all.

CustomWeapon [$SIGSEGV]
        Name                                    "The Railgun"
        OriginalItemName                        "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN"
        "special item description"              "[INFO] Tesla Minigun, shoots very short ranged, homing laser projectiles. Does 20% damage to buildings or tanks. Minicrits instead of crits."
        "custom kill icon"                      righteous_bison
        set_item_texture_wear                   0   // Factory New
        paintkit_proto_def_index                408 // Hypergon
        "attach particle effect"                704
        "override projectile type"              13
        "energy weapon penetration"             1
        "dmg penalty vs players"                0.33
        "projectile spread angle penalty"       5
        // big rework ahead!
        "mod projectile heat seek power"        50  // homing stuff
        "mod projectile heat aim error"         360 // homing stuff
        "mod projectile heat aim time"          1   // homing stuff
        "mod projectile heat aim start time"    0   // homing stuff
        "set item tint rgb"                     5322826 // Pinkish to show homing but darker to intrude on visiblity less.
        "projectile lifetime"                   .5  
        "dmg penalty vs buildings"              0.2 // 0.2x building damage.
        "mult dmg vs tanks"                     0.2 // 0.2x tank damage.
        crits_become_minicrits                  1   // energy weapon

Modifying this weapon, I found that I'd generally get these damage numbers, as close to the tank as possible: 1 and 0.9 = 18's 0.8 - 0.5 = 9's 0.4 - 0.0 = 0 (nothing at all) EDIT: After further investigation, I found out that "damage penalty vs players" is also effecting the tank damage. 0.2 lead to 9's per tick, (which is 20% of the 45 with no modification), so I guess this is just some issue with the attributes stacking?

rafradek commented 2 months ago

dmg penalty vs players applying to tank is normal behavior. The damage of the bison projectile also depends on the weapon base damage