Closed e64462 closed 4 months ago
the connected clients also receive an error in chat: "A VScript error has occurred. Check console for details"
console output:
่ connected
Compact freed 327680 bytes
Redownloading all lightmaps
AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED [the index '__potato__GlobalFixes' does not exist]
*FUNCTION [OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_start()] mapspawn.nut line [68]
*FUNCTION [__RunEventCallbacks()] unnamed line [221]
*FUNCTION [__RunGameEventCallbacks()] unnamed line [228]
[objRes] NULL
[delay] 1
[tf_gamerules] INSTANCE
[tf_player_manager] INSTANCE
[params] TABLE
[this] TABLE
[funcName] "OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_start"
[idx] 0
[useTable] TABLE
[bWarnIfMissing] true
[globalTableName] "GameEventCallbacks"
[prefix] "OnGameEvent_"
[params] TABLE
[event] "teamplay_round_start"
[this] TABLE
[params] TABLE
[event] "teamplay_round_start"
[this] TABLE
changing maps seems to fix the issue sometimes ... however it seems very inconsistent.
well, it looks like i can only consistently reproduce this bug when the server starts on skangus. The Console errors are still there, but I no longer think that they're related to rafmod running. I changed the server's starting map to akure and the 1/1 issue has gone away. Closing this as I'm not sure it's relevant.
that's popextplus
The problem disappears when i disable rafmod. With rafmod running, I get the following error at the server console:
potatoGlobalFixes is provided by ArchiveAssets, but removing/unloading/reloading the most recent asset pack does not resolve the issue.