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[Epic] Django Admin a11y Fixes (Follow-on) #1392

Open andrew-jameson opened 2 years ago

andrew-jameson commented 2 years ago

Description: Further django admin fixes as noted in the PR #1223 by @iamjolly

This is a follow on epic from #892.

This series of tickets delivers:

The tickets that will complete this epic are as follows:








Notes on scope: The not being tackled (immediately / in pursuit of compliance) list includes the use of all uppercase copy in a number of places in TDP. We've discussed and determined that since most text is normal case and all capitalized case is capitalized through CSS rather than actual text, this isn't a priority issue to tackle.

Open Questions:

reitermb commented 2 years ago

https://hackmd.io/3zR7vj7GQ7uidJmLR-eCYw?view#Follow-On-Stuff Captures notes on a lot of the above

lfrohlich commented 2 years ago

What do we think about making this an epic instead? I would like to discuss how to better manage this kind of big catch all a11y ticket and improve the review process @reitermb @valcollignon

valcollignon commented 2 years ago

@lfrohlich Agree - this seems like a lot for one ticket.

@reitermb thoughts?

jorgegonzalez commented 2 years ago

Agreed @lfrohlich

reitermb commented 2 years ago

Also agreed! Jorge and I are talking through what the right number/sequence of tickets is. To provide a little transparency here's a condensed list that should translate pretty well to our maximum number of tickets:

cc @jorgegonzalez @lfrohlich @valcollignon @ADPennington

ADPennington commented 2 years ago

Also agreed! Jorge and I are talking through what the right number/sequence of tickets is. To provide a little transparency here's a condensed list that should translate pretty well to our maximum number of tickets:

  • Table improvements (Select All, Table Caption)
  • Sidenav as a slide out modal rather than an element that reflows the page (+ associated fix to its open/close button for state & focus indication)
  • Compatibility improvements (Tooltips get a tab-index stop to make them work in chrome, skip links get explicit focusable element anchors to make them work in VO)
  • Copy improvements ("[label] is required" instead of "field is required" on form errors)
  • Cleanup of the couple other elements are displaying inconsistently cross-browser/device (e.g. border around search box or dropdowns)

cc @jorgegonzalez @lfrohlich @valcollignon @ADPennington

thank you @reitermb. couple of questions:

valcollignon commented 2 years ago

@reitermb @ADPennington @jorgegonzalez and @ttran-hub to meet today 11.2.21 to discuss/refine individual issues.

reitermb commented 2 years ago

@ADPennington @ttran-hub All Tickets should now be updated with screenshots! I went for some simple mockups to illustrate some of the ones that are bigger from a visually changing page content standpoint (the sidenav ticket for instance)

ADPennington commented 2 years ago

@reitermb thanks! @ttran-hub and I just went through and cleaned up this epic a bit and moved some of the notes into the individual tickets! I'll work on coordinating a mtg w/ RJ next. Also, we recommend cleaning up the hackmd such that it captures a synthesis of all the django accessibility issues, including a table that summarizes the issue, the ticket associated with the issue addressing it, and a section that includes any other relevant notes or supporting documentation. Most of the information is already here, so happy to brainstorm on how we can go about restructuring the flow of the md. This cleanup can be tackled after our session with RJ 😄

valcollignon commented 2 years ago

Meeting scheduled with RJ on Tuesday 11/16. This meeting will be the basis for prioritizing all tickets in this epic to make sure we're ready to bring into future sprints.

ADPennington commented 2 years ago

rescheduled for 11/17.

valcollignon commented 2 years ago

Per @ADPennington, this epic is in a mature state. gov is in agreement on priority of django a11y issues to be addressed for release 1.

Add to backlog refinement 11/23 per @ADPennington / dev sync 11.17.21 individual issues need to be pointed CC: @lfrohlich