raft-tech / TANF-app

Repo for development of a new TANF Data Reporting System
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As a developer I want to merge and clean migrations #3268

Open raftmsohani opened 2 weeks ago

raftmsohani commented 2 weeks ago


The database migrations are growing with TANF application and some of the changes in later migrations are only to revert the changes in previous migrations which could be squashed. This will also decrease fresh application creation.

Additionally, there are initial instance data creations such as creating user groups that are added to migrations instead of using django fixtures.

Acceptance Criteria: Create a list of functional outcomes that must be achieved to complete this issue


Notes: Add additional useful information, such as related issues and functionality that isn't covered by this specific issue, and other considerations that will be helpful for anyone reading this

Supporting Documentation: Please include any relevant log snippets/files/screen shots

Open Questions: Please include any questions or decisions that must be made before beginning work or to confidently call this issue complete