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Advancing in Javascript #1

Closed baweaver closed 9 years ago

baweaver commented 9 years ago

What would you say are the most important concepts to learn in the pursuit of becoming a javascript expert?

raganwald commented 9 years ago

To be perfectly candid, I am not a JavaScript expert. Mostly what I do is write about general-purpose programming ideas that are expressed in JavaScript, because that’s the language that hits a sweet spot of being popular enough that people will understand the ideas, and powerful enough that I don’t need to do extreme backflips to get the ideas to work.

raganwald commented 9 years ago

There are some good resources for online learning. Eric Elliott has a great list here on GitHub:


The books on there are all excellent.

codylindley commented 9 years ago

I just compiled a list for learning JS. It might be of benefit. If not ignore it. http://frontenddeveloperjob.com/learn-javascript/

raganwald commented 9 years ago

Good list, thank you @codylindley.

CrossEye commented 9 years ago

Eric Elliott has a great list here on GitHub: https://github.com/ericelliott/essential-javascript-links

The books are excellent. The online resources are good too, but perhaps a little skewed towards Eric Elliot's own work, and his particular point of view. There's plenty of good to be said about that viewpoint, but this list makes it sound as though the controversial arguments he makes are well settled in the community.

raganwald commented 9 years ago

There's plenty of good to be said about that viewpoint, but this list makes it sound as though the controversial arguments he makes are well settled in the community.

I think the fashionable word for this is that it’s an opinionated list. I try to be opinionated as well. I guess you are saying that the list is opinionated without disclosing that it is opinionated. In that case, it’s excellent that you’re mentioning this so that others may realize it’s important to look at a variety of sources.

baweaver commented 9 years ago

I was really a fan of Functional Javascript: http://www.amazon.com/Functional-JavaScript-Introducing-Programming-Underscore-js/dp/1449360726

I still kinda wish some of your books were available in print edition.

CrossEye commented 9 years ago

@raganwald: Words keep disappearing for hours or days. Yes, that's precisely the word I was looking for. I like opinionated writing, but I do feel a list like this should disclose the fact a little better.

raganwald commented 9 years ago

I explicitly licensed most of my books so that readers could make print editions and sell them if they want. Why not take a crack at it?