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Points dissapeared and Finnish language #105

Open Marko-Rema opened 4 years ago

Marko-Rema commented 4 years ago

Hi buddies,

I found your site very useful for learning java but today I faced some difficulties: first I couldn't see that I made any progress on the charts despite the fact that I've already finished part 1 of basic programming java course. Second thing that bothers me is that some words still remain written in Finish despite that I chose English. I hope you will help me to continue learning. Thanks in advance.

Best regards, Marko

Hakalath commented 4 years ago

Hi Marko,

fellow student here. I had the same issue with the progress charts - make sure you have selected the correct course on your profile by clicking your name in the top right corner > "Which courses points, deadlines and coins do you want to see?"

Courses I and II have separate trackers - I hope this helps a bit.

I have also noticed the translation issue with some words in the example code as well, I hope they will be fixed in future versions :)