raghur / mermaid-filter

Pandoc filter for creating diagrams in mermaid syntax blocks in markdown docs
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Cannot generate SVGs for ODT #132

Open reagle opened 1 month ago

reagle commented 1 month ago

When I attempt to include SVG's in the odt output format I get an error:

[WARNING] Could not determine image size for ...+PC9nPjwvZz48L2c+PC9zdmc+: could not determine SVG size

For example, trying to generate a a ODT file from this markdown gives that error.

❯ pandoc --version
pandoc 3.3
Features: +server +lua
Scripting engine: Lua 5.4
User data directory: /Users/reagle/.pandoc
❯ macv
macOS 14.5 23F79 arm64