ragibkl / adblock-dns-server

Adblock DNS Server powered by Bancuh DNS and dnsdist-acme
MIT License
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Cannot connect to sg and jp #206

Closed ghost closed 4 months ago

ghost commented 4 months ago

Are sg and jp disconnected now? But there is no problem with fr and us.

ragibkl commented 4 months ago


Status looks fine. Also I tested them just now with dot protocol.

Should be working.

What kind of issues are you facing?

ghost commented 4 months ago

I tried changing my IP using a VPN and it worked fine. So it's most likely a problem with my ISP. In the past, my ISP would sometimes fail to connect to certain websites... Anyway, sorry and thank you!

ragibkl commented 4 months ago

Hmm. That's weird. I wonder if your isp purposely block our dns server ip? Or maybe they block ports for dns and dot? Does your device support doh protocol?

ghost commented 4 months ago

I use browsers that support DoH. When I switched to US and FR it worked fine, so it shouldn't be that DoH is blocked. Also I couldn't connect to the JP and SG log pages yesterday. I remember that the PHP website was blocked once before, but I was able to connect to it with a VPN.

But today I was able to connect to JP and SG and everything is back to normal. It's still hard to understand why this is happening, but I can only assume that it's a problem with the telecom provider on my end. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)