rahi30-prog / Sorting-Types

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Implement Sorting Algorithms and Shared Test Cases in Separate Branches #2

Open rahi30-prog opened 2 months ago

rahi30-prog commented 2 months ago

Structuring our project to develop the sorting algorithms and its test cases across different branches. Here's the breakdown: Branch 1: Bubble-sort Contains the Bubble Sort algorithm implementation. Includes specific test cases for Bubble Sort.

Branch 2: Selection-sort Adds the Selection Sort algorithm implementation. Includes specific test cases for Selection Sort.

Branch 3: Common-cases: Provides a set of shared test cases for both sorting algorithms.

Objectives: Develop Bubble Sort in the bubble-sort branch. Develop Selection Sort in the selection-sort branch. Implement and validate shared test cases in the common-tests branch.

rahi30-prog commented 2 months ago

How to use '.gitignore'? First understand what 'codespaces', '.gitignore' & 'pycache' is.

  1. Codespace: Codespaces runs a server in the cloud and is connected to your code repository. It provides a secure and ready-to-code environment. It offers a fast way to contribute to multiple projects and switch between them.

  2. .gitignore: It is used to ignore the files and directories which are unnecessary to project. These files/directories will be ignored by Git once the changes have been committed to the remote repository.

  3. pycache: It is a directory that contains code files that are automatically generated by python, namely compiled python, or .pyc, etc.

So, to ignore files/directories we need to create a .gitignore file in the root directory of the repository. The root folder contains all the files and other folders that make up the project. Inside the .gitignore file you can add the name of the file or folder that should be ignored. You can also tell Git to ignore multiple files or folders using the same method.