rahiel / telegram-send

Send messages and files over Telegram from the command-line.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Something went wrong, please try again. #119

Open x1pepe opened 1 year ago

x1pepe commented 1 year ago

Hi!, I installed telegram-send and its went works with out problems, but one day it did not work anymore. If I run: telegram-send ... I get: Config not found Please run: telegram-send --configure

If I run: telegram-send --configure ... I get: Talk with the BotFather on Telegram (https://telegram.me/BotFather), create a bot and insert the token When I insert the token, I get: ❯ 5417963401:AAEccO2JhiivQUGtXCoN8_xRVggvqUPg8Ag Something went wrong, please try again.

How can I fix this?

imlordeyaya commented 1 year ago

I had similar problem, updating to latest version helped.

x1pepe commented 1 year ago

How can I update? I have installed: telegram-send 0.34

x1pepe commented 1 year ago

Well! I found my problem. My telephone company put me some app it was blocking api.telegram.org in every access, so now it's solved.

Goosegit11 commented 1 year ago

Same issue. Nothing is blocking my requests to api.telegram.org. my token is definitely correct

example: 2224231830:AAEQqwjCbDF3vG1gwTRuSHf0-CphjAReEgw


albertmonteith commented 1 year ago

Same here. Latest version of telegram-send seems broken.

Here is an alternative for sending from Python: https://medium.com/codex/using-python-to-send-telegram-messages-in-3-simple-steps-419a8b5e5e2

Here is an alternative for sending from the command line/bash script: https://hackernoon.com/how-to-create-a-simple-bash-shell-script-to-send-messages-on-telegram-lcz31bx

Goosegit11 commented 1 year ago

Here is an alternative for sending from the command line/bash script: https://hackernoon.com/how-to-create-a-simple-bash-shell-script-to-send-messages-on-telegram-lcz31bx

btw there's shell tg-post

pnewbery commented 1 year ago

I have the "Something went wrong" error message on trying to insert the token at the telegram-send --configure stage. I have tried downgrading to 13.5, but the error persists. https://api.telegram.org is not blocked. This is on Linux Mint 21.2 (victoria). I do have it working on a second Mint 21.2 machine in a different location. Can you recommend any steps to de-bug the issue, as "Something went wrong" is not very helpful.

rahiel commented 1 year ago

Can you recommend any steps to de-bug the issue, as "Something went wrong" is not very helpful.

In the latest version of telegram-send it shows the error before saying that "Something went wrong". So please upgrade and try again.