Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago
I tried workaround this, but Image.copyFrom(grayImage, 1.0, arg2) have arg2
The type java.awt.Rectangle cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced
from required .class files.
Is there any way to use ROI on android?
Original comment by
on 19 Aug 2011 at 5:23
Android comes with no classes from the java.awt package, so it is perfectly
normal that you get an "ERROR" about those. You will get this "ERROR" whether
you use cvSetImageROI() or not. In fact, it is a problem if you do not get this
ERROR. Can you confirm that you see this ERROR when you do not use
cvSetImageROI()? If you do not get the ERROR, please report it.
In any case, your problem is elsewhere, e.g.: You probably want to write
cvSetImageROI(grayImage, face).
Original comment by
on 20 Aug 2011 at 12:48
Thanks for reply.
When I use cvSetImageROI there is no warning in Eclipse, only error in logcat
as above.
When using Image.copyFrom, there is warning in Eclipse.
The type java.awt.Rectangle cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced
from required .class files.
Ok I will try to write cvSetImageROI for CvRect, or use this
Original comment by
on 20 Aug 2011 at 10:04
Hi guys, did you solve this?
I cannot use any command working with CvRect on Android due this :/
Original comment by
on 28 Aug 2011 at 3:25
First things first, what exactly is the problem? I see nothing abnormal from
any of the above...
Original comment by
on 29 Aug 2011 at 1:53
Samuel,problem is how use ROI on Android, because any function (which I tried)
working with CvRect ends with:
08-29 19:41:17.574: ERROR/dalvikvm(1880): Could not find class
'java.awt.Rectangle', referenced from method
If you could provide small sample code would be great!
Original comment by
on 29 Aug 2011 at 5:53
What is the relation between CvRect or cvSetImageROI() and IplImage.copyTo()?
Original comment by
on 30 Aug 2011 at 1:01
Yes, propably not related "error", but did you tried
cvSetImageROI(IplImage,CvRect) on Android? Sorry if Im disturbing you, I
Jan Dupla
Original comment by
on 31 Aug 2011 at 3:11
I have just tried these three lines in Android:
IplImage frame = IplImage.create(640, 480, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
cvSetImageROI(frame, cvRect(0, 0, 100, 100));
And they produce nothing abnormal...
Original comment by
on 4 Sep 2011 at 2:49
I have the same issue and my proccesor is armv6. I created a new project and i
follow the instructions that exist at comments etc. The applicattion runs (I
see the red string "FacePreview-This side up") and the camera is working
properly but in the debugger with Eclipse i see the ClassNotFoundException,
detailMessage: java.awt.image.BufferedImage na d classnotFound
java.awt.color.ColorSpace. I haven't change any part of the code from
FacePreview. But as i said the app works and it throws these exceptions before
any face recognition takes place, afterwards everything runs smoothly. I just
wanted to mention because it is very weird at least for me. Keep up with your
excellent job.
Original comment by
on 26 Sep 2011 at 3:04
Also your APK crashes without any message
Original comment by
on 26 Sep 2011 at 3:05
[deleted comment]
The "classes not found" messages are only warnings, not errors.. They are
"normal" since Android does not come with any AWT classes.
The sample APK binary contains only binaries for ARMv7, so it will crash with
ARMv5 or your ARMv6, that's normal.
BTW, is there still anything unresolved, or can I mark this issue as "Done"?
Original comment by
on 30 Sep 2011 at 1:40
I think its resolved and can be closed.
Thanks for your help Samuel!
Original comment by
on 2 Oct 2011 at 9:03
Original comment by
on 6 Oct 2011 at 12:40
However irrelevant these "class not found" warnings are, I find them
irritating, especially when looking through the log while looking for real
errors. So please create a jar for android on your maven repository which does
not include methods whose signature references BufferedImage and other AWT
Original comment by
on 13 Mar 2013 at 9:20
@nabil AFAIK, passing the project through ProGuard would also take care of
Original comment by
on 13 Mar 2013 at 9:23
Original issue reported on by
on 17 Aug 2011 at 9:38