raid-guild / RIPs

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RIP#112 - HireUs UX/UI Update #112

Open IanBoucherTru opened 1 year ago

IanBoucherTru commented 1 year ago

Project Idea

HireUs UX/UI Update

Project Submitted By

@V4n @sasquatch


Improve lead generation funnel for prospective clients, either through submitting a consultation or requesting more information. Open the Raid Guild bank so that consultation fee's can be taken on any chain.

Option: to give preferred pricing for funding the consultation with $RAID or for holding >5k $RAID

Why should we build this?

Because we should make it as easy as possible for people to give us money. Make the RG Client funnel frictionless

Anything else you'd like to add?

Not at this time.

Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in USD)

\$1,000 (pending Smart Contact scope)

plor commented 1 year ago

I don't think this has moved in a while. I'm going to leave it, but if it is no longer relevant go ahead and close.