raid-guild / RIPs

Registry of internal raidguild improvment projects
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RIP #120: Sacred Oath (aka Stake and Commit v2) #120

Open IanBoucherTru opened 1 year ago

IanBoucherTru commented 1 year ago

Project Idea

The goal of this RIP is to build on the learnings of RIP 75: Raid Commitment Staking and Bonus Rewards, to establish a accountability system for Raid Guild. Diverging from RIP 75, we intend to have individual staking for each Raid/RIP, a single staking contract for Membership.

This Oath would be the next step in the path to membership, following the Rite of Moloch SBT. Similarly to RoM, we purpose that the staking mechanism be interoperable with Moloch DAOs.

This RIP proposal is to fund the research for, and creation of a Scope doc + Proposal. The funds for building will be requested in a future RIP proposal.

Project Submitted By



This is a quick summary of the project idea.

Why should we build this?

Expanding from RIP 75 Consistency of Commitments: There have been some (but not many) explicit commitment failures in previous Raids. A couple instances where key people left a raid unexpectedly. We expect this to increase as Raid Guild increases in size

Cleric and Monk QoL: Clerics and Monks would feel more confident in setting up raids and negotiating with clients on budget and timing if they could be more confident about the commitment of Raiders. With the OATH they would have a pool of personnel to draw from

Raid Guild Scalability: Better data about commitment history, and eventually availability. There may be more issues with Raider commitment the larger we grow

RAID Token Utility: As a secondary goal, additional utility and demand for RAID token. Establish $RAID as the bonding element in RG.

Anything else you'd like to add?

  1. Tying this commitment to a SBT or NFT would enable the gating of the discord
  2. The blood of the fallen, from Oath slashers as well as sacrifices to the Rite of Moloch, would be pooled together. This could be tied to the tithe pool from the Alliance Network to back the $RAID Token
  3. Mechanism for Denoting Active vs Inactive Members. With on-chain events showing Rader participation we can establish am additional layer of Member status without asking all members for a 2nd tithe.

Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in USD)

Phase 1: Research = $1.5k (estimated 30hrs @ 50/hr)

plor commented 1 year ago

I've been arguing against research only proposals, and this ended up not producing anything that was acted upon. I won't be taking any funds from this. If you need funds for your time @IanBoucherTru there are probably still monies from brigade. It would be good to close this out, along with other winter brigade rips.

plor commented 1 year ago

Cleaning up a bit. This was run through the winter brigade which streamlined the RIP process. This one hasn't paid out from that vault, but can be moved to closed when that is sorted out.