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Spring Brigade Weekly Agenda Setting #136

Open ChangeTheGame1111 opened 1 year ago

ChangeTheGame1111 commented 1 year ago

Spring Brigade Weekly Agenda Setting

Project Submitted By



Formal Request to work on Weekly Agenda Setting, I would like to Organize and "Set" some Meeting Best Practices and Times.

Why should we build this?

This is an Operational Goal for the Spring Brigade, ECWireless and others showed interest in Cleaning/Clearing up some Weekly meeting issues. Including Templatation of the Meetings and More organization around Times, and/or other meetings.

Anything else you'd like to add?

There will be some potentially coordinating with Smaller Sub-Dao's within the Guild to find what times best work for THEM and How those meeting align with the rest of the week.

For Example- Should "ShillShop" meeting be at the BEGINNING of the Week? In order to prep for all the Shilling to occur during the week? Or should "ShillShop" occur LATER in the week, In order to collate Information happening in the Guild and drop those "Shills" during the weekend?

I will also try to collate other Relevant Meeting Data. Google Meet Calender And set some New Templates for Charmverse.

Potentially setting up Sesh.Bot again (Will incur some Coordination costs, "Desire for Sesh.Bot, then coordinating with Saimano to set it up, IF the Guild finds it worth it"

Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in USD)


Potential Time Sink- 10-15 Hours (Predicting 1 Hour plus, for each task/Sub-DAO)