raid-guild / RIPs

Registry of internal raidguild improvment projects
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Marketing: Content Team #156

Closed Fluffy9 closed 4 months ago

Fluffy9 commented 10 months ago

Project Idea

Case studies for 1 Raid Guild project. Let us know if there are any other projects wrapping up. This will entail two meetings with RaidGuild teams to identify success stories/testimonials/cross promotion and follow up with a review + statistics. Two meetings with clients for initial results and a follow up.

We’ll create pieces on two topics in twitter threads, on our blog, and a YouTube video (if we have one). The first topic would be highlighting the technical process of completing this project from start to finish. The second topic would be highlighting the impact/benefits of the client. The objective of this project is to establish RaidGuild as the top-of-mind choice for people seeking project support, ensuring that our name naturally springs to their thoughts without the necessity for further research. We also want to make a retrospective on this project itself. This will be an internal only breakdown of the current/projected long term ROI on this project.

Project submitted by

@ pupcakes @ vika @ karaisabella

Raid Party Skills Needed


This RIP is to demonstrate RaidGuild's past projects in Web3 development by sharing detailed insights into completed projects. This includes emphasizing project goals, team contributions, challenges faced, and innovative solutions, possibly through Twitter Threads. Additionally, the initiative seeks to include client testimonials or brief success stories to validate RaidGuild's capabilities and showcase client satisfaction. Visual elements like graphics or snippets will be used to highlight key project aspects, making them visually appealing and easy to understand. Before-and-after visuals or progress snapshots can be included to demonstrate the impact of RaidGuild's work in transforming projects. To measure the success of these efforts, we will include tracking engagement metrics like likes, comments, shares, and retweets, evaluating conversion rates from profile visits to inquiries with support of the B2B Team (Suede, coffee-crusher) and the newly integrated analytics on the RaidGuild's website.

Project Showcases:

Why should we build this?

Our initiative is aimed to enhance RaidGuild’s visibility and credibility as one of the leading DAO in Web3 development. By increasing our presence on social media platforms like Twitter, we aim to increase traffic to the website, particularly to the “Hire Us” CTA, ultimately attracting more clients and strengthening RaidGuild’s reputation in the industry. Our counterparts are going to submit a RIP in December to do cold outreach sales. We want to support this effort with content that will help close the deals (real numbers on how we’ve impressed past clients).

Bonus work, Video Content:


Cost (in USD)

Total: $2.3K per case study


  1. Preparation - 2 weeks
  2. Content Creation - 4 weeks
  3. Analytics - 2 weeks


January 8 - February 29 for one case study

derrekcoleman commented 9 months ago

Incorporated member feedback, e.g. adding a 10% hunting fee for clients found. Clarified that the initial scope is for a single case study. Changed Pupcakes' role to Monk for clarity.

Done with feedback stage after a few weeks, looking to put up for funding soon.

Fluffy9 commented 9 months ago

Here are our milestones. The budget has not changed

Milestone 1: Preparation & Identifying the 1st Use Case

Week 1-2 Payment: $460 (20% of total budget)

We Will:

Plan and conduct Initial Meetings: We will hold meetings with RaidGuild members and clients to define project goals, gather essential data, and identify success stories. Outline Our Project Plan: We will develop a comprehensive content strategy for our Twitter threads and blog posts. Begin Research & Data Collection: We will collect relevant information, client testimonials needed for our case studies, and hold a meeting with RG members repsonsible for SEO to discuss the tools for collecting statistics.

Milestone 2: Content Creation & Posting

Week 3-6 Payment: $1,150 (50% of total budget)

We Will:

Develop Case Studies: We will create in-depth case studies that highlight the technical process, client impact, and success stories. Create and Refine Content: We will draft, finalize, and review our Twitter threads and blog posts. Incorporate Feedback: We will seek and integrate feedback from the Raiding Team and clients to refine our content. Execute Content Posting: We will prepare our content to be posted on Twitter and our blog.

Milestone 3: Analytics

Week 7-8 Payment: $690 (30% of total budget)

We Will:

Track Engagement: We will monitor and record engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and retweets, as well as website traffic and potential other metrics identified with SEO Team. Analyze Effectiveness: We will assess whether and how our content has influenced client inquiries and overall engagement levels. Note: We know that our social media posts might take a while to catch on with the desired target audience, e.g. potential clients. It’s likely that we won’t see a big jump in client interest right away during this project. Hence, keeping RaidGuild’s name out there and active after this RIP is finished is key to making the most of this initiative. Conduct a Retrospective Review: We will evaluate the process and overall impact of our project, identifying key learnings and stumbling blocks. Prepare a Comprehensive Report: We will compile a detailed report of our outcomes, insights, and actionable recommendations for future initiatives. Total budget: 2300$

derrekcoleman commented 8 months ago

Team working, scheduled a meeting with Sasquatch this week.

Moloch: team member MIA since Christmas; talking about removing her from the RIP. In the meantime, Pupcakes and vika are going to forge ahead.

coffee-crusher.eth throws her hat in the proverbial ring!

derrekcoleman commented 8 months ago

vika and Pupcakes got good info from Sero and Sasquatch; potential cross-potential for their current client. Content creation soon after they review notes and outline the report.

derrekcoleman commented 7 months ago

Twitter access acquired! Client interview soon! 🤞 for cross-promotion. Brainstorming implementation of "how did you hear about us" field on consultation form with sayonara.

boucherbox commented 5 months ago

still soliciting comments on content. @Seroxdesign and @boucherbox highlighted for comment on accuracy

Seroxdesign commented 5 months ago

is there a final outcome, i saw the drive which had like 10 images/text but felt incomplete in the sense that it's not put together into a cohesive document

vicosv commented 5 months ago

@Seroxdesign there are two .md files in each folder (external and internal interviews), one for the Twitter Thread and one for the Article. the images are referenced in the .md docs, that's why they are in the folders. I can transfer everything into Google Docs, if that would be easier for you. let me know!

vicosv commented 5 months ago

here is the Google Doc with everything put together

Seroxdesign commented 5 months ago

We need more images to make this work, I believe you've covered a lot in text but gifs of the UI animations as well as more comparative pictures will take this a long way. @vicosv

Fluffy9 commented 5 months ago

I think we added in all the images from the sources we were sent. Who has these UI animations?

boucherbox commented 4 months ago

@Fluffy9 and @vicosv to connect with @ECWireless on getting completed milestones released

vicosv commented 4 months ago

We have completed Milestone 1: Preparation ($460) & Milestone 2: Content Creation ($1,150).

In this document, you will find:

Content prepared for publishing is here:

Interview with Sas and Sero: cover image for this interview:

Article about the interview with Sas and Sero: all images for this article:

Interview with Adz: cover image for this interview:

Article about the interview with Adz: all images for this article:

ECWireless commented 4 months ago

Paid out here: