raid-guild / RIPs

Registry of internal raidguild improvment projects
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Updatable Escrow & Zap #161

Closed scottrepreneur closed 2 months ago

scottrepreneur commented 2 months ago

Project Submitted By

@scottrepreneur @benedictvs


Over the course of the last four months, the Smart Escrow process was fully integrated with Dungeon Master. This work included the incorporation of splitting functionality with the basic Smart Invoice smart contracts and the integration with the gangang multi-signature account that is governed through the RaidGuild Hats tree.

After the changes were made, compatibility of Smart Invoice with the changed smart contracts was restored and a new subgraph deployed for representing the changed flow on the frontend (both on Smart Escrow and Smart Invoice).


Why should we build this?

Custom escrow infrastructure remains fragmented and difficult to oversee and maintain. The separation of Smart Escrow and Dungeon Master caused friction in client onboardings and low visibility over the full feature set by RaidGuild members. Composability FTW.

The integrated spoils and splitting functionality also simplifies the Raid accounting and Clerics' tasks.

Anything else you'd like to add?

This is a retroactive funding request for work that has been already completed and is in use.

Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in USD)

wxDAI 4,500