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xDai Multi Token Bridge #21

Closed scottrepreneur closed 3 years ago

scottrepreneur commented 4 years ago

Project Submitted By

@dekanbro @dan13ram @markop @scottrepreneur


The multi-token extension for the Arbitrary Message Bridge between Ethereum and the xDai chain is the simplest way to transfer ANY ERC20/ERC677/ERC827 token to the xDai chain.

The technology is built and under audit, currently it does not have a UI to use the bridge.

We will work with the xdai team to build a simple user experience of bridging tokens from mainnet Ethereum to the xDai chain and back.

Why should we build this?

With Ethereum gas prices being through the roof people are looking for a solution that allows them to cheaply and easily interact with blockchain technology and dapps outside of mainnet. Sidechains and L2 solutions can help with some of these problems and make Ethereum fun again.

Bridges are great tech that allows people the freedom and simplicity of moving tokens from one chain to another.

It will be a great exploration into one of the scaling solution available. there is high demand to explore other options on how to deal with the increasing gas prices on mainnet. I think this as an opensource project, can be used to highlight more uses cases on sidechains and could be a valuable public good.

This will be a fun project and pretty visible to the Ethereum community. Potential easy win for us and the other funders.

User Stories

As a user, I want to be able to:

Initial questions

Anything else you'd like to add?

Contract and technical architecture have already been built by the xDai team. they have given us an initial figma for design and UX exploration.

Daohaus has offered to double match any funding from RaidGuild dao grants and xDai has offered to help with development costs as well (TBD).


Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in WETH)

multisig addr 0xF89460Ce0Be95adc538c2a5722490B5906318ace

Next steps: