raid-guild / RIPs

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RIP: Calendar Fairies (keepers of the shared calendar) #38

Closed mprimi closed 3 years ago

mprimi commented 3 years ago

Calendar Fairy (Discord role)

Project Submitted By

mprime (season0 cohort)


Most of the Raid Guild events (both one-off and recurring) are currently not listed in the shared calendar. It would be great to find all events in one place. But keeping the calendar updated is a manual task that never ends.

I'd like to propose to tackle this problem as follows:

Create a new Discord role: Calendar Fairy Members should be added manually, and they should be given write access to the shared guild calendar.

Anyone else can then call in a fairy when they want to add something to the calendar, example:

Foo:  It's settled then, let's meet with the client on Tuesday 10PM
Foo: @calendar-fairy can you please add this ☝️ to the calendar?
Bar: @Foo Done!
Foo: Thank you @Bar!


Newb: What time is the Friday happy hour again?
Foo: Every Friday at 12PM (Pacific) (@calendar-fairy can you please add this recurring event?)
Bar: @Foo Done!
Foo: Thank you @Bar!

Why should we build this?

A consistently up to date shared calendar can go a long way for asynchronous collaboration, especially across timezones. Seasoned raiders and newbies alike could benefit.

It is also an (almost) zero effort to set up (one-time setup is a few clicks in Discord and Google calendar).

Anything else you'd like to add?

Someone needs to act as gatekeeper for the fairy role and calendar permissions. Maybe the Innkeeper?

Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in USD)


itsencrypted commented 3 years ago

Google Cal delivered on March 12th at Cohort0 #projects channel:

mprimi commented 3 years ago

Thank you for sharing that calendar @itsencrypted. I think it's an excellent starting point. However sharing via .ics has a fundamental limitation: people won't receive future updates/changes/events. It is a one-time import into people's local calendars.

What I was proposing here is the next step: