raid-guild / RIPs

Registry of internal raidguild improvment projects
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RIP: Smart Invoice Launch and Escrow v2 #40

Closed spengrah closed 3 years ago

spengrah commented 3 years ago

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RG Escrow

In 2020, we built the Raid Guild escrow to facilitate a better payments system for raids. With the escrow, raiders get assurances that funds exist to pay them for their work, and clients get assurances that they will only pay if the raiders deliver. Further, we automated the payment of spoils to the guild.

To date, a handful of clients have used the escrow, and it has worked as intended. That said, we have identified a number of changes that can make our escrow even better, as well as a need to better disseminate knowledge of how to use the escrow to all guild members.

Smart Invoice

We took our learnings from building the RG escrow and applied them to a new Raid Guild product called Smart Invoice: a new way for freelancers, DAOs, and other organizations ("freelancers") to get paid for the work clients hire them to deliver.

Smart Invoice turns the traditional invoice on its head. It gives freelancers and clients all the benefits of the RG escrow, plus the following improvements:

Smart Invoice is built and we're gearing up to launch it as a standalone web3 product. We're proud of it and think it can provide a lot of value to freelancers in our space, so we want to give the launch some heft.


This RIP combines several related objectives:

A. Launch Smart Invoice 1.0 as a Raid Guild standalone product

B. Upgrade the RG escrow with the improvements from Smart Invoice

C. Teach RG members how/when to use the new escrow

Why should we build this?

Anything else you'd like to add?

We expect to propose a follow-up RIP for Smart Invoice v2, which incorporate what we learn during this RIP.

Raid Party Skills Needed

Archery / Ranging - modifying the Smart Invoice design to support RG escrow needs & ensure it works for Clerics and clients Warrioring - modifying the Smart Invoice front end to support RG escrow needs Scribing - internal and client-friendly documentation & instructions for how to use the new escrow Wizardry - reviewing contracts, writing tests, and writing & integrating contracts with the existing escrow contract (as necessary) Paladinning - hook up Airtable to the new escrow app, etc. Monking - guide the project from end to end

Cost (in USD)
