raid-guild / RIPs

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RIP-Handbook Re-Work #41

Closed burleebau closed 3 years ago

burleebau commented 3 years ago

Re-work of the RaidGuild Handbook to include the latest updates and promote easy navigation/legibility

Project Submitted By



What needs changing or is in the process of being changed?

  1. Breaking up of Handbook into more focused sections
  2. Introducing a natural flow by reorganizing certain sections (i.e. RIPs, ERs)
  3. Updating links to certain Discord channels (i.e. #apprentice, etc.)
  4. Providing links to additional onboarding materials (i.e. intro do DAO Frameworks pres, more here…)
  5. Making minor language changes and fixing grammatical errors
  6. Addressing more granular items such as: a. express to apprentices that they do not automatically gain membership by going through a cohort b. suggestions under the “How To?” section i.e. (do not sponsor your own proposal, ask for a review from a raider) c. explain that Round Tables & RG futures are limited to RG members only d. link to keeper bot documentation and source code

Why should we build this?

The tremendous growth that Raid Guild is witnessing calls for a overhaul and update to the handbook. If we should fail to do so, we have failed current members and prospective new members as they will not have access to crucial information as it pertains to our code, processes, as well as changes within our DAO. To accomplish this mission, there will need to be some allocation of either Loot or Shares to the members who contribute to these updates.

Anything else you'd like to add?

view ongoing changes here:

Raid Party Skills Needed


Cost (in wxDAI)


burleebau commented 3 years ago

Sorry, should have placed this under the handbook! will remember for next time :)