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web3 Handbook #67

Closed derrekcoleman closed 1 year ago

derrekcoleman commented 2 years ago

Project Idea: web3 Handbook

Turns markdown files into a documentation website with a twist - "private" content is hidden until the user signs a transaction to prove their public wallet address should have access to it.

Project Submitted By



This project solves a pain point for DAOs seeking to publish a mixture of public and private information online. This project will allow anyone to bring their existing markdown files, automatically rendering them into a documentation website (à la Docusaurus or Nextra). "Public" information will render immediately. A visitor can optionally connect their web3 wallet and view "private" information that will only be rendered if their wallet meets a criterion (e.g. member of a DAO, hold a specific ERC-20 or -721, etc).

Why should we build this?

Raid Guild will be able to use it internally as our onboarding process continues to evolve and layers of privacy become useful. This project adds functionality to our handbook similar to how we currently use Discord roles to control access to certain channels. This can be considered a part of the Dungeon Master ecosystem, especially as our documentation grows to include our collective wisdom, standard operating procedures, and best practices for various roles.

This tool can also be productized and provided to other DAOs. Exactly what this process could look like still needs to be explored by our community. The code will be sufficiently "plug-and-play" for a spectrum of possibilities when it comes to supporting future clients with its implementation.

If other communities or projects (e.g. based around an ERC-20, ERC-721, etc.) have need for token-gated documentation, we'll be able to serve them too.

User Story:

Landing Page

Read Documentation

Access restricted Documentation

Write Documentation

Update Documentation

Delete Documentation

Context and Timing of the Proposal

My work so far with this idea began as a season 2 cohort project. Initial attempts to extend a doc site generator like Nextra hit a wall because of the strict security needs of the final build. Conversations with @scottrepreneur, @mkdir, @jonathanp, @midgerate, and @mackenzie have helped to clarify a path for this project. This RIP funding would support a small team to get it to a place where it can be used internally and packaged to offer to other DAOs.

Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in USD)

Amount Time
$6,800 68 Dev Hours * $100/hour
Design Adjustment (if needed)

Milestone 1 (17 Hours)

Milestone 2 (36 Hours)

Milestone 3 (15 hours)


plor commented 2 years ago


Moved this to final, but not sure if there are follow-ups from this.