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Raid Guild’s Notion Documentation Hub #80

Closed govinda108108 closed 1 year ago

govinda108108 commented 2 years ago

Raid Guild’s Notion Documentation Hub


The Demon 🕷️


🕷️ Moloch's minion Shelob is obstructing progress (especially amongst newcomers) with her webs. Frodo and Samwise, for instance, are separated at Raid Guild, struggling with fragmented information, difficult discord navigation and handovers

Fragmented Information: Different google docs, hackMDs are spun up and shared on discord channels, creating information silos.

Difficult Discord Navigation: In order to find the information they need, members must navigate different discord channels, which are constantly moving (it’s like working on a slot machine!).

Distributed Handovers: Different members are working on similar projects, or looking to iterate on someone else’s project. That person may not be locatable/contactable, and important threads may be unaccessible or archived. Contributors are always coming and going, and need to be brought up to speed quickly on project status and documents and assets.

🕸️ 🕸️ 🕸️ 

The result? Guild members are kept from the information they need.

Overheard on Discord:

“What was that link again?”

“I can’t find the hackMD?”

“Who do I ask about this?”.

The Raid Guild handbook contains useful, but incomplete information and is not a working document.

The tools at our disposal

Notion connects teams, projects, and docs — so we can bust silos and move as one.

Metagame are killing it in the documentation game and acted as an inspiration for this RIP.

Hack MDs are Raid Guild’s mainstay, and they can be contained within a Notion page.

The quest

This RIP is requesting 1300WXDAI retroactive funding for a centralized documentation hub for Raid Guild. See here for the finished project.

This documentation can act as A) a centralized source of knowledge B) a project management tool and C) a working document for Raid Guild members and apprentices.

There are so many amazing projects and resources contained within the Raid Guild Discord server. This document is a home for all of them and a place of shelter for lost Raiders!

By centralizing our information, A) more Raiders can get more of the information they need, B) waste less time searching for things, and C) increase collaboration through open documentation and project management.

This documentation was first compiled by Govinda during his cohort season, to avoid the maze of Discord channels and to help fellow lost cohort members. As the need arose for the documentation that was being created during the cohort, it was then expanded into a fully-fledged project.

Raid Party

Season 3 apprentices: Govinda, Zberwaldt, uschtwill, BorrowLucid,

Quest set in motion

All of the following activities have been completed.

Part 1: Gather all Raid Guild documents from discord, the forum, DAOhaus, the handbook:


Part 2: Create a documentation hub for RG members and apprentices, that can be built on top of and integrated with current documentation.


Part 3: Collect cohort project hackMDs and store on project page which can facilitate projects through time, e.g for successive cohorts.



This is a retroactive funding proposal for 1300WXDAI for the documentation hub for Raid Guild.

900WXDAI creating and compiling content

-condensing season 3 FAQs, gathering needed info

-combing discord and collecting links and resources, compiling into a document.

-collecting project hack MDs from season 3 cohort

150 WXDAI design

-designing and building landing page

250WXDAI project management

-communicating with members and project documentation

plor commented 2 years ago

@govinda108108 I think you mentioned moving this work into the hackmd documents. Do you want to continue with a RIP for this work or roll it into the healers RIP that will be forthcoming?

plor commented 1 year ago

We've moved to charmverse. Closing.