raid-guild / RIPs

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Champion Staking #87

Closed amsos closed 2 years ago

amsos commented 2 years ago

Champion Staking is the new process of where we bring in new cohort members into RAID if a new member has a champion who is willing to stake RAID on new members becoming full productive members.

amsos commented 2 years ago

Champion Staking Retrospective

What happened (since October 26, 2021)

Summary spreadsheet


Questions for possible improvement

Next steps

IanBoucherTru commented 2 years ago

+1 to Spencer's idea of a probationary period after the championee completes the initial success criteria. A role that would enable them to utilize all the tools within the discord while not yet becoming a full member.

plor commented 2 years ago

My first impression is that one of the goals of this initiative is to continue bringing in quality members, and as such we should treat this as a market by which the guild rewards this goal being achieved. By market I mean that the highest quality member should receive the highest rewards for championing, and likewise should require the highest stake (via competition to receive such reward). Making objective the aspects by which we agree that a member is of high quality is important both to attract members and to draw the line where candidates don't meet this standard.

I do accept that championing should be a phase between apprentice and member, such that if a championed apprentice doesn't meet the standard, it is easier to move them back to apprentice rather than remove their membership status. The question here is whether a member not meeting the champion metrics should necessarily be removed, or if it is sufficient to slash the champion for failure to onboard successfully.

govinda108108 commented 2 years ago

Love your work guys, this is great.

I liked the idea of a third member approving the championing

Also keen to integrate lore into the post-kraken slaying part of the journey as they head towards the Guild. "They need a champion ally to enter the walls. The champion will give them a quest and the Guild will approve whether the apprentice has made the cut, (e.g. the gaunlet)".

plor commented 2 years ago

Can we formalize this RIP as a .md file in the proposals directory of this repo? I think we should close out this issue, so it would be good to have some permanence in a real document to reference. Thoughts on this?