raid-guild / RIPs

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RIP: Champion staking process improvement #90

Closed plor closed 2 years ago

plor commented 2 years ago

Champion Staking process improvement

Project Submitted By



This is a follow-up to the Champion Staking experiment to include the feedback from the retrospective (#87). In addition I will be building out a process to better track the champion process through the different phases. This does not include any changes to the rewards or further assessment of the experiment. I hope it might assist in this process when it occurs.

The main point of contention is that we should move the membership proposal to the end of the champion process. This means that if the success criteria are not met, the championee will remain an apprentice and the champion will be slashed.

The deliverables here are:

Why should we build this?

Just as we want to view the progress of RIPs being proposed and worked on, we should better track and follow the progress of new member onboarding. The champion process has been successful in adding accountability to bringing in new members. This will just add a bit more visibility to that process.

Anything else you'd like to add?

This process is meant to be superceded at such a time as the process is built into an application.

Raid Party Skills Needed

Cost (in USD)


mackbowes commented 2 years ago

Great idea :)

plor commented 2 years ago

plor commented 2 years ago for handbook updates.

plor commented 2 years ago

Changes to handbook are awaiting larger effort to improve handbook.

plor commented 2 years ago

The handbook updates are delivered to the necessary place, I'm going to mark this complete with the #92 merge.