raid-toolkit / raid-toolkit-sdk

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finding raid api documentation and working samples #127

Open pavlexander opened 8 months ago

pavlexander commented 8 months ago

Where can I get the documentation or some tips on how to use the toolkit? I would like to read some live data from the game, such as opened window, arena players, number of players in battle, their statuses, HP, etc..

But I am not able to find a single good example on how to use the toolkit..

On the website I was able to find an example extension called NagMeNot link

After decompiling the code, one of the methods looks like this:

    private static void AutoDismissPopup(AccountContext account)
        if (account.TryGetViewContext<CustomOfferOverlayContext>((ViewKey)2165, out CustomOfferOverlayContext customOffer))
        if (account.TryGetViewContext<BankPromoOfferPopupOverlayContext>((ViewKey)2030, out BankPromoOfferPopupOverlayContext bankPromoOffer))
        if (account.TryGetViewContext<ComboOfferOverlayContext>((ViewKey)2140, out ComboOfferOverlayContext comboOffer))

For example, what does the (ViewKey)2165 even mean or where does the value come from?

If somebody could point me to the right direction I would much appreciate it..